Chapter Thirty-seven

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Iman and her ever-strong and agile old namesake Mama were the ones who spent the night with Walida and her new baby in the hospital. As she was too weak to start breastfeeding, Iman feeds the little baby infant formula for newborns whenever he demands to be fed,which was frequently.

Mama couldn't help but remark teasingly when she saw Iman getting up for the umpteenth time in the night to prepare his feed.

"Chai,this megida of Hauwa's is an acici (glutton)"

Laughing, Iman replied,"Kai Mama it's Daddy fa --your favourite son!And it's all your megida's fault,he transferred his gluttony genes to my little daddy!"

Glaring playfully at Iman,Mama retorted "Who told you your Daddy is my favourite? Ai there's no one like auta Nasiba"(last born)

"As if it's true!"laughed Iman before concentrating on feeding the crying baby whose mother was deeply asleep,oblivious to everything.


Very early in the morning, Mahmud,Ummi and Mummy arrived with breakfast for the mejego and the rest.Mama then coerced Walida into taking her heavy breakfast of tuwo with ogu stew and drink of the same ogu leaves' juice mixed with maltina.

Walida didn't like the idea of eating tuwo very early in the morning not to talk of washing it down with the unpleasant tasting drink,arrgh!She kept grimacing her face but the old iron lady put on her stern,no-nonsense expression and so she had no choice but to force a considerable amount of the tuwo down and finished the blood-replenishing drink.

Thereafter,Mahmud took Mama and Iman back home to freshen up and rest but Iman adamantly refused to remain at home. She followed him back to the hospital as soon as she took her bath and had her breakfast.

Since Ayman has already been weaned,Mummy went alone so she was free to bathe her megida at the hospital and dressed him up handsomely in sky blue baby wears which she sprayed with a mild baby cologne before putting it on him.

After wrapping him in a matching flannel, she passed him over to the waiting Ummi,saying

"Ga aron megidana nan.(let me borrow you my hubby for a while).But don't go falling for him oo cos I don't tolerate husband-snatchers!"

As Ummi held her grandson in her arms,a surge of motherly love overcame her.He reminded her so much of her beloved son when he was born.Though he had more of Walida's features,he took after Mahmud too especially his coloring and she couldn't help but lean down to peck his chubby cheek as her heart swelled with love.

Mahmud and Iman's eyes met and they smiled happily as they exchanged silent messages between each other. Ummi was gradually but surely changing!.

Just then,a slight knock came at the door before it opened to reveal Umma,Abba and Daddy.After pleasantries were exchanged, the newcomers took turns in holding the baby and reciting duas for him.

As Daddy was in a hurry to go for his administrative meeting even though it was a Sunday,he looked up and hurriedly said to Mahmud,

"I forgot to tell you yesterday while you were busy worrying over your wife and ignoring your son,I did the khutba for him.May Allah (SWT) bless Ahmad and make him among the most pious Muslims,amin."

His eyes doubling in size,Mahmud asked,"Ahmad?But Daddy...."

"What?Are you trying to tell me I don't have the right to name your child?"Daddy asked with feigned hurt.

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