Chapter Fifty-two

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This chapter is dedicated to all Mahmud,Walida and Iman fans.May Allah (SWT) bless you with the KINGS OF UR HEARTS and if He has already, may He bless our homes forever and ever.Ameen🙏🙏🙏

"And you can't do perfect justice between wives even if it is your ardent desire,so do not incline too much to one of them(by giving her more of your time and provisions) so as to leave the other hanging.And if you do justice and do all that is right and fear Allah by keeping away from all that is wrong,then Allah is Ever Oft-Forgiving ,Most Merciful".Quran 4:129

Iman was devastated and beyond herself with worry.She wasn't so sure about being lucky to be a graduate any longer cos as a student, she had the chance to hide away in Bauchi but what of now?.Where would she go?Where will she hide to escape the impending confrontation?.

She wasn't a coward,she just hated being a heartbreaker.She had done it once and the bitter experience and guilt.....she didn't want to ever experience it again.

That was why she kept crying profusely throughout their journey to Kaduna.When Mahmud attempted to console her by putting his free hand over hers,she had hastily withdrawn, threatening to do something drastic again or even worse if he touched her.

Having no other choice, Mahmud had left her be knowing he couldn't endure another round of her drastic action even though her tears kept drilling holes in his heart throughout the trip.

As soon as they arrived Kaduna,Mahmud drove straight to Monarch hospital and had Iman registered for ante-natal.He secretly spoke to the doctor about warning Iman on taking things too much to heart and crying a lot as it might affect her blood pressure.

The doctor performed the necessary check-up on her including ultrasound even though Iman asked her not to disclose the sex to them.Both mother and foetus were certified okay by the doctor and she was given a routine appointment card before leaving.


Iman entered their new home apprehensively but the warm reception she received calmed her nerves a bit.

Three and a half year-old Ahmad came bounding down the stairs and flounged himself at her legs,shouting "I missed you so much,Mamee. I told Abbi to take me with him to Bauchi since you don't come on breaks anymore but he said little boys are not allowed.So I cried and cried until Maama gave me Galaxy and said it's from you!."

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