Chapter Thirty-five

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As a wise man once said,time neither sleeps nor nods.It just keeps passing by in rapid flight.That was how eight months flew by in rapid succession, leaving alot in their wake.

Walida is now in her expected delivery month,about to put to bed at anytime soon.Her pregnancy came as a sort of miracle to her from God cos instead of constantly falling ill as even the healthiest of people do during pregnancy, she became healthier than ever.

To everyone's utmost surprise,her pregnancy was like a treatment to her frequent sickness.Since the conception of her pregnancy, she had fallen sick just twice which is indeed a miracle since on a normal day,she never stays longer than a month without falling sick.

That made her enjoy being pregnant so much and spends most of her time bonding with her unborn child. Now even if Iman was at Bauchi and Mahmud was either at work or school, she didn't feel lonely any longer.

Being the selfie queen she is,she enjoys taking a lot of baby bump pictures. At other times,she spends a lot of time talking to the baby or just simply listening to Quranic recitation for its benefit.

As for Iman,most of her time is spent in Bauchi.She never returns home even on short breaks like easter except during eids or end of semester break.When asked why she chose to remain in Bauchi even during short breaks, her simple answer was she liked it there.

In order to show their parents that they're living like every normal couple, Mahmud spends all his weekends with her in Bauchi.If he has lectures on Saturday, he waits till after the lectures before boarding a plane to Bauchi but on occasions that he doesn't, he leaves immediately after work on Friday.

Since Saturdays are lecture-free for Iman,they have ample time to cruise around the small but beautiful city of Bauchi throughout the weekend; visiting interesting places and catching some fun together.

Quite typical of them,they spend most of the time bantering, teasing each other, quarelling and making up on the spot---just their usual bro-sis relationship.

Not for once did they even attempt to cross the borderline of a brother and his sister.They were just good old Ya Mudi and his Cute Dimples catching fun together all through the daytime and at night,he drops her off at her apartment and drives off in her car to his hotel.That's the routine they follow all through the weekend until Monday morning after Subhi when he returns her car,bids her farewell and boards taxi to the airport.

Fateema on the other hand had realised sweet talking Habeeb wouldn't work so she outrightly told him she wants them to 'get to know' each other better before getting her parents involved. Even though he was sure there was nothing that could change his feelings about her,Habeeb reluctantly gave in.

So over the past months,their relationship kept waxing stronger and stronger as they were always glued on WhatsApp chats as Fateema wasn't too comfortable with calls except at night cos of fear of being found out.

At every opportunity, Habeeb rushes down to Nigeria just to see and spend time with his Zahra.And because she's serving,she had perfect opportunity of going out without having to explain herself.Sometimes they meet at Iman's place,sometimes at the school she serves or on some few occasions,he took her out on dates

The 'dates' being to visit the orphanage he grew up in to see the orphans he calls his brothers and sisters and to share the gifts he buys for them at every month's end.Even if he's at U.K,he sends money to the caretakers to buy necessities for the orphans.

Despite their frequent interactions, Fateema never for once let Abdallah and Habeeb come into contact;not on phone and not in person whenever he came visiting. And it wasn't for lack of trying cos Habeeb pleaded and pleaded with her but she only consoled him cos she knew how talkative her son is.As soon as he knows, Mummy and everyone else will undoubtedly be informed.

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