Chapter Nineteen

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"No man is alone with a woman but the shaytaan is the third one present."

--Narrated by Ahmad, Al-Tirmidhi and Al-Haakim

-Classified as Saheeh by Al-Albaani in Saheeh Al-Jaami (2546)

When Mahmud returned to his room after his meeting with Daddy,he met Iman busy cleaning his bathroom after finishing with the bedroom.As she finished and was spraying the entire room with air freshener, he spoke up,"Hey Cute Dimples, if you're feeling like being the good sister quit that the room is immaculate and go get me something for brunch before lunch is ready. I know you wouldn't lack one snack or the other. I'm hungry."

Arms akimbo, Iman scrunched her eyes at him,"After all the waina you ate for breakfast? Is there anything you even think of the way you think of food,Ya Mudi?. Tell me,I'd really like to know."
Smirking, he replied,"Well as a matter of fact there's something I do think alot about.....but it's for me to know and for Walida to find out."

Rolling her eyes,Iman retorted,"Adda was right.You really are a pervert!May God help Adda Walida!"

As she served him awara (soyabean cake) and kunun aya (tigernut juice),she ordered,"Oya spill the beans.You've left me hanging in suspense for far too long!".

Knowing what could follow his revelation, he adamantly refused to talk despite her insistence. He waited until he finished and ensured that the ceramic plate,glass jug and cup were cleared and safely out of reach before filling her in.

He said,"Well, it was as expected--they questioned me and I answered. Daddy asked if I wanted to...erm.. u know, set you free and I said no but before you murder me please hear me out.I have my valid and logical reasons(he added when he saw her rise abruptly in shock).

Releasing a breath,he went on "I did a mental analysis of the situation and realized that that's our best option--to remain married for now. You see,Mama might have observed protocol and asked me my wish but her mind is already made up.I could see it clearly in her eyes--it was as if she was daring me to deny wanting you as mine.Whatever I may have said wouldn't make a difference. You should have seen the look on her face when she heard you were in my room. It's just as you said earlier on,she's a tough nut and a never-say-die person. She has taken her stand on the two of us and will never change it.And you know how the parents obey her without questioning and everything she says is the law and order of the house.
  "However, that notwithstanding, let's imagine she relents and you become single again. What do you think will happen next knowing Mama as you do?Am sure you know she won't let you go scotfree.She'd insist you bring forth the man you truly want so we could get married at the same time. And we both know Ayman is not yet ready for marriage, will not be until the next three or four years. Do you think she'll let you wait that long after you've been 'married' before especially since you're schooling faraway? (Iman slowly shook her head at this.Mama would never agree!).Good,then you'll see the logic behind my decision. When you're still hooked up with me,nobody will pester you on getting married--not Mama,not the parents and not those chewing gum boys vying for your attention. With me,you can safely continue with your studies while waiting for Ayman and when he's finally ready,I'll gladly let you go scotfree with no strings attached. Now,are we on the same track or do you still want to murder me?"

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