Chapter Thirty-eight

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"Amin wa alaiki Salam Ya habibty! Wow, such excitement all for seeing me.?Missed you too,wifey !"

It was his last words that gave Fateema the strength to overcome the wave of vertigo that overcame her upon seeing him. No,she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing her faint right at his feet.He would never achieve that victory!.

"What are you doing here?You missed your way. Your wifey 's house is next door....I think."

Smiling his kind of smile that once upon a time melted her heart but now did nothing but irritate her even further, he said.

"You have the right to insult me as much as you want,Fateema.That is why I came today for you to rain all your abuses on me.Vent all your anger,hurt,pains and frustrations on me as long as you'll forgive this your great offender,wifey."

And as he said that, Fateema watched as he went down on his knees right in front of her,bowing his head down.

Fateema remained rooted on the spot, not because she was touched by his words or action, not in the least.She felt nothing, not even an inkling of compassion towards his so-called remorse.The only thing that stopped her from stomping out of the room and leaving him to rot in hell for all she cared was the word he kept referring to her with...'wifey'.

How dared he call her his 'wife'?.That was what she stayed back to warn him of.

Be your normal self around them.Show them they don't possess the ability to crush a tough nut like you.....

Habeeb's words came flooding back into her memory and so she took a deep breath and instead of the string of abuses she wished to thrash on him,she said instead.

"I told you,you missed your directions. Your wife doesn't live here.So if you'd kindly leave now,I want to clean up the room and turn on the incense burner. The room is already reeking of rapists and two-faced hypocrites."

Clamping his eyes shut as her words stung,Mahbub bravely said.

"Go on, lay all your wrath on me.Do whatever you think I deserve, even if it's been pierced with an arrow.Go ahead,am all yours to punish.All I want you to know is that you're my wife and our son was begotten in a halal way."

"What?!!"exclaimed an extremely shocked Fateema.

"Are you crazy or do I look like a fool you can feed any bullshit you like to?"

Raising his bowed head,Mahbub looked up but as it's typical of him,he didn't look her directly in the eyes as he spoke.

"Yes I admit I was overcome with lust and greed but one thing is for sure.....I'm not an illiterate. I know the offence of fornication in Islam so I'd never do it consciously. I did what I did according to a meticulous plan."

Taking a deep breath,he went on,"Like I reminded Daddy earlier on when we met,the day I came with my representatives to seek for your hand in marriage,I came all prepared.As you well know, the primary requirements that make any nikkah valid are four;the Ijab and qubul (offer and acceptance) ,two sane adult witnesses,the waliyy of the bride and of course the dowry.

"And that day,my wakeel asked your waliyy (Daddy) if he has given me your hand in marriage and Daddy said he has to which my wakeel said we accept....that's the ijab and qubul taken care of.Then about witnesses, I came with four sane men including the ones we met with Daddy making the total of ten.Thereafter,your dowry was accepted by your waliyy making our marriage signed and sealed.

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