Chapter Four

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This chapter is dedicated to HannahThanee, Fareee_,AishaUmarYau&Miss_Painite for being the first ones to add this story to their reading list.Thanks a million guys!!


         The first semester is fast drawing to a close and so 300 level students of  the Faculty of Science were getting ready for I.T (Industrial Training) which will commence after their forthcoming exams.
Dr Ezeawata is the lecturer taking the last part of  BOTY 323 (the course he lectures 300 level students on) and presently, he's rounding up the course.
After a question and answer session, he didn't leave as expected but remained standing while he ordered, "Everyone, leave the class now".
That baffled the students but none of them had the audacity to question him so they quietly got up and obeyed him.
Fateema was just about to reach the door when she distinctly heard,"Fateema Naseer, come back here".
She froze on the spot, then turned her face to ensure he was referring to her and surely, his eyes were fixed at her.
With hesitant steps, she walked over and stayed before him, leaving a respectable distance between them.He waited until all the students cleared out(albeit reluctantly cos they are curious to know how he will iza-a-wuta the one girl that dared to defy him) before telling her to take a seat.
Fateema obeyed and kept chanting,'La'ila illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minal zalimin'  in her mind.It has saved Prophet Yunus (A.S) from the whale that swallowed him surely it can save her from this tyrant! .
  "Get a sheet of paper and write your make-up test".
"Pardon me, sir?"
"Did I speak in Latin? I said get set you are writing a make-up for the test you missed".
Scoffing, Fateema got up and forced herself to do what she never does--looking into a man's eyes before saying,"Thank you Sir, but I think I'll do the 'make-up' in my exams"
"I said I'll make up for the missed test in my exams in shaa Allah".
That seemed to shock the notorious Dr.Iza-a-wuta cos he just froze looking down into Fateema's eyes, dumbfounded.
"May I take my leave now, Sir?"

He didn't say anything but quickly regained his stance and stomped out of the lecture theatre, leaving a satisfied Fateema behind. Oh yes she might have just thrown away ten whole marks but at least she got to teach the islamophobic lecturer a lesson.
  It is a widely known fact that Dr Ezeawata is more strict on the Muslim students of the department. Rumour has it that he's a pastor in the making but to Fateema, that doesn't give him a licence to oppress the Muslims. The university consists of both Muslims and Christians and maybe even pagans who unite as one--undergraduates so why the discrimination from a lecturer?.
At first she didn't believe the rumours that he stigmatizes Muslims cos she knows many pastors that are great friends with her dad but he proved her wrong when he sent her out of his test hall.As the only niqabi in the class, she's so unique that there's no how he could have missed seeing her throughout the two months he has been lecturing them.Oh yes, he just decided to send her out for his selfish reason but not because she's a stranger to him!
Biting her gloved finger in regret, Fateema said to herself, 'Oh how I wish Daddy will let me use his position as vice chancellor of this university to deal with that tyrant! .But hell will freeze over before that happens, Daddy with his rules & regulations argh!'.
Just then, her course-mates started trooping back into the class in readiness for the next lecture. They all looked at her with curiosity evident on their faces but only one lady dared ask her why Dr.Iza-a -wuta wanted a private time with her.
Smiling inwardly, Fateema just said,"Nothing".
And that was that.She didn't bother elaborating and the curious students had to ebb down their curiosity cos everyone knows the 'Ice Ninja'(nickname given to her by her own class-mates) doesn't talk unless it is absolutely necessary.

        After Isha prayer, the entire family gathered at Mama's sitting-room where a large mat was spread and various dishes prepared by Fateema, Iman and Safiyyah were displayed.Ummi took the honor of serving each and everyone the meal of his/her choice and they all ate and drank to their stomachs' content.
As soon as the dishes were cleared, their usual family-time ensued. The kids with homework brought them out either to do it by themselves or be coached by an elder one.Jokes were cracked, arguments arose here and there as they all recounted their activities of the day-- just a typical family-time.
Very unlike her usual self, Safiyyah was so quiet and uninvolved in the hubbub going on around her.She just reclined against the sofa and kept glancing from one member of the close-knit family to another. From the cheerful old matriarch (Mama), to the loving couple (Daddy & Mummy) to the gentle Ummi up to their kids alternating from the quiet but attentive twins to the loud, noisy and vibrant younger ones--Iman, Ihsan, Ikram and Abdallah.
She looked and looked even closer but nothing about their interactions with one another answered the question that has been bugging her for a long time. They all seemed so close, loving and attentive towards one another that no onlooker can term them as anything but one big family bonded with love.So why did Walida say something about fake brother-sister relationship? .Why were she and Iya insinuating that there's something going on between Iman and Mahmud?.Why was Iman so worked-up about it?.Oh, so many 'why's' and confusions!
Could it be that one of them was adopted? .Could it be Iman? Afterall, she's the only chocolate-colored member of the family if you exclude Abdallah.Or could it be the twins?.That will make a lot of sense since they are so different from everyone.She had always wondered how come they are so light in complexion with very long, silky hair much different from the rest of the family who have fulani complexion and hair-type.
"Fatso, what's wrong with you? Or is it Mubarak who has taken your mind off to Wonderland that you couldn't even hear Mummy bidding you goodnight? ".
Safiyyah looked up at Iman then scanned the room to see that everyone else has departed, leaving only her and her roommates.
Sighing, she said, "I am just tired N-Square, I need to catch some sleep".
Iman studied her friend for a millisecond before letting out a breadth. Safiyyah is not just her friend, she has become almost like a sister to her.They've been together since kindergarten and their friendship led their parents to become friends as well.They went through childhood, puberty, adolescence-everything together.And since they got to S.S One, Safiyyah's father got transferred to his hometown (Bauchi) leaving her in the care of his trusted friend.
Iman noticed the change in Safiyyah since the incident at the garden and she knew her friend was confused and curious but hesitant to ask.Although in their house they never broach the subject which she was sure Safiyyah is confused about, she felt her friend deserves to know. So she said,"Sophie, what's bugging you? You've been very unlike yourself lately.Is it about what you heard at the garden the other day? "
Hesitantly, Safiyyah replied, "Believe me N-Square, I tried to forestall my curiosity but I just can't! .So many unanswered questions keep popping up in my mind. Why are the twins so different? .Their skin color, hair, eyes--everything about them  screams 'oyinbo' .I've always wondered how come and then that day Walida said some things that confused the shit out of me.I've got to admit am completely lost.I thought I knew you guys like the back of my hands but it turns out that I don't! I keep asking myself is someone among you adopted but I couldn't bring myself to ask you cos it seems it is a much-guarded secret and I didn't want to intrude".
Before Iman could respond,Mama beckoned Safiyyah over to her, saying, "Come and sit beside me, Safiyyah".

She waited until Safiyyah complied before she continued, "There is nothing like a 'much-guarded'  secret among family members, Safiyyah. You might bear a different surname but you are still part of us.We are one big family and from now henceforth, I don't want to hear anything about intrusion or whatsoever. Are you ready?.Tonight I am gonna tell you what you don't know about the Dikko family".

Thanks for reading! Please don't forget to;



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Ma'assalam, au revoir, sai anjima, bye for now!

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