Chapter Eleven

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Indeed the games began cos at school, Dr Ezeawata maintained his notorious attitude of stressing Fateema, overworking her, rejecting almost everything she came up with just to irk her, elicit anger and frustration from her and to deflate her ego.

In short, he was the epitome of strictness, arrogance, cockiness and harshness when it comes to his association with the three unlucky project students assigned to him, most especially Fateema.

He had long since broken his own rule of no overtime working cos with Fateema in particular, their meetings don't even start until well after his said 'office hours'.He had realised that was when he had ample time to stress her as much as he wants without having to stop to attend lectures or practicals or whatsoever.

However during the weekends at the Computer Institute, it's an entirely different man that appears. Not an entirely different man as in no arrogance, cockiness and harshness. No, abi a leopard never changes its spots, right? .He was as arrogant, cocky and harsh as ever but just not as Dr Iza-a-wuta --as a co-student who had 'never' met Fateema except at the institute. .....That marked the beginning of the 'game'!.

The first day they separated into their various groups for commencement of practical work on the computer system, he had been the first one to introduce himself between the two of them. After the friendly easy-going Alhassan had salaamed her and introduced himself to Dr Ezeawata, the latter had taken the initiative albeit reluctantly cos it was in a hesitant way he shook hands with Alhassan and addressed them both by saying, "I'm C.J and you're? ."he concluded,his eyes on Fateema.

Fateema was getting good at this staring game.She levelled her eyes in his and read in them he vividly recognised her but was not willing to show it.Well, two could play that game, right? .So she averted her eyes to focus on the task ahead--launching M.S Access as she replied,  " I'm Fateema. Now, who's the first to have a go at this? Or shall we adopt the ladies'first policy? ."

Right from then , they managed the colleague-colleague relationship since they had no option but to do so.As admin partners, they had to work together and since they are pretending to be strangers, they kept all their differences aside and worked as co-students. But that doesn't mean he was being all friendly and overtly cooperative. Oh no, his name would have to be changed if that happens. He retained his cocky and harsh attitude, arguing with both partners at the slightest opportunity.

Whenever they are to perform a group work, he becomes all bossy and tries to dominate the whole thing.Note the keyword--'tries' cos our dear Fateema never lets him succeed. When he begins his domineering I-too-know attitude, Fateema buckles up and shows him that what a man can do, a woman can do even better. She keeps up with him every step of the way--if he takes one mile, she takes two.

C.J discovered another trait of Fateema that was akin to his as well--her competitive nature.He noticed the way she puts keen interest whenever he or Alhassan are working on the system so as not to miss their slightest mistake or see how far they can go so she could go even further. And who says she's the only competitive one here?.So it became like a tug of war between the two, with Alhassan being their amused spectator.They took each other as a challenge and any onlooker would be greatly entertained cos they were just like two lions, each fighting to claim the territory.

At the school however, it's an entirely different story cos no matter how much one of the lions ached to fight for its rights, it just had to accept fate and let the other reign since it's the unfortunate one that entered the latter's territory.

Indeed Fateema ached to fight for her rights; to lash out at him that he's too strict on her.That no other lecturer pushes his students to the core like he does to her.But what can she do or say about that? .This isn't the computer centre where they were equal.He has the upperhand here.The one with authority over her as her lecturer--her project supervisor for that matter. The one man who may determine whether or not she graduates with a first class since the project is a six-credit load.

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