Chapter Forty-four

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Though they've never seen a picture of their father,the twins had no iota of doubt whatsoever that he's the one standing right before them.The only differences between Mahmud and him were the visible age gap and his slightly fairer skin.Apart from that,the facial features, the body structure; everything is the same.

Fateema slumped down on the carpeted floor, hitting her butt painfully but she was too dazed to take notice. Mahmud on the other hand turned sharply to fire daggers at Iman with his eyes.

"Nafeesah ......"his menacing, highly incensed voice filled the air.

The man who never calls her even Iman except on very few occasions now saying Nafeesah....hmmm.She must have pushed him to the core.

Unfazed as she had come prepared for the worst, Iman gushed,"I swear this is the toughest Cupid job I've ever done!.None of the other jobs took half as much time as this one did.I've been on this particular one for ages--two years to be precise. Since the day I discovered Ummi's hidden secret....what she does behind her frequently closed door."


Iman was cleaning Ummi's room just as she usually do when she accidentally scattered a bunch of papers from a file which was always on the coffee table in the room. As she gathered them together, her naturally curious eyes scanned through and she realised they were all written in Hindi language which Ummi was very fluent in.

The word 'pyaar' caught her attention cos it was on almost every line and even though she didn't understand Hindi,she knew it meant 'love'.

Quite typical of her,her curiosity became highly piqued,so she sought the help of her next best friend after Ya Mudi and Safiyyah.....Google.She picked a random paper and googled the translation of its contents and discovered it was a poem on undying love.

Luckily for her,Ummi had escorted Mama to the hospital that eventful day and so she took her time going through most of the write-ups which all spoke on unaccomplished love, heartbreaks,of love so close yet unreachable, of being in love and loved in return but circumstances of life preventing the love from being fulfilled.

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