With one tweet!

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Today's Tuesday so as all Dolan twins fan knows that Ethan and Grayson post thier YouTube video today! I was so hyped for it! I wonder for a while what it could be about! I really didn't care, I just wanted to watch it! 5 minutes go by Ethan tweeted " video will be up in 5!". I was so excited! I was sitting in my room refreshing their YouTube page! I was waiting for them to post so I could be the first to comment and like! They finally posted their video! I wasn't the first but I really care. I shared their video on twitter to get ppl to watch it! I posted like 5 tweets about it! I was done doing that so I went to get food becasue I haven't eaten all morning. A few minutes later I heard my phone go off. I thought it was just a notification for a game on my phone so I ignored it. After I got done eating then I got in/out of the shower. I heard my phone go off AGIAN! So I went and checked it.... OMG!! I couldn't believe my eyes! I couldn't feel any part of my body.. is it true?! I was in tears within the next 5 seconds! That made my day so much better! I had to keep checking to make sure it was true! I only tweeted 5 times. How did he see it? I was overwhelmed with joy.. my mom walked in the door becasue she heard me crying. I told her the good news.. " both the Dolan twins followed me and likes my tweets!!". My mom hugged me and started laughing and said "hun this isn't something to cry over!" I laughed while crying and said "I know but if ur idol followed u then u would be the same way!!" She laughed and walked out of my room. I started watching Chasing Cameron because it was the only good thing on Netflix right now so after a few hours I fell asleep.

Hey guys this is my first book ever written! Idk if it's any good! But I hope u like! Leave comments if I need to improve on anything! THANK YOU!!

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