Break In!¡

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Today my mom is coming home from my sisters. I was excited to see her. I kinda haven't seen her that much since the accident. I'm glad she's doing better though! My mom texted me a few minutes later letting me know she just got on the plane and will be home in 3 hours.
Grayson text me and asked if I wanted to hang out! I told him yes and he's on his way to pick me up.. after that night when me and Grayson did that stuff, we have been so close! I never want to loose him! He's means everything to me! Grayson was finally here and I got him the car and he started to make out with me. I pushed him back in his seat. "Good to see u too babe!" I said and I was laughing. "So where do u wanna go?" He asked. "Idk u asked me if I wanted to hang out last time I checked. Remember!" I said with a smile. " oh ya well then I have an idea" he said with a smirk. He then started to drive and we weren't even in the car for more then 3 minutes til we got out. "Aww gray! Why are u bringing me here?" I said about to cry. " remember this is the place we met! When we had our first date" he said with a huge smile. I was about cry as I was running into his arms. "This is the cutest/sweetest thing you have done for me!" We both sat down at the same spot we were at when we met. Grayson ordered frappes like last time also. I love that Grayson is remaking our first date happen! I think it's the cutest thing ever when guys do that! After we got done with our "first" date i then went back to my house and waited for my mom. I still had like 1 hour left til she is actually home. I sat and watched tv til she got home. I then heard a door close so I thought it was my mom. So I walked down stairs to see her and I got to the last step and I didn't see ANYONE! I kept thinking... why did I hear a door close if no ones here? By then I was was kinda weirded out. I went back up to my room and opened my door and I SCREAMED...
Sorry this chapters short. Next one will be longer I promise! Hope u like my book!

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