Facing fears!

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We have gotten to our hotel room and the view!! Omg the view is amazing! I wanna move here already and I haven't even been here for a day yet.
It's so beautiful in Hawaii! Me and nate put our stuff in our hotel room and left to explore.
We started off by renting a car to drive for the next 2 days we are here.. we go to the renting dealership place and rented a Mini Cooper. We went and got food at a restaurant.
We started looking to see what we could do in Hawaii and there was a beach called turtle cove.
Apparently you can see turtles in a cave. I love turtles!
We went went back to the hotel and got unpacked all the way and put on our swimsuits and went to the place
It's was soo blue clear water and so pretty I wish I could come here everyday!
When we got into the cave with turtles we noticed that Logan and brenden was there as well!
I've been a fan of Logan forever!
I got a selfie with him and he asked me and nate to join him to explore Hawaii with them. We went to his place and played in the pool for a while
Logan then got a bounce house at the house! We all kept messing around and fighting with each other on who's gonna go and acting like kids..
we then got dressed into clothes and got into the cars and drove to a surprise place Logan wanted to show us
We then got there and it was a skydiving place.. I am scared of heights so I wasn't gonna do it but some how nate and Logan talked me into it! Worst idea ever!
We got strapped onto another human being.. it was quiet uncomfortable!! But I was to nervous to care.
We go into the plane and took off.. I felt lightheaded but tried to hold on!
Nate noticed that I wasn't looking to good and grabbed my hand and kissed and told me that I will be fine
We then got high enough to jump
The guy I was attached too said we were gonna jump on the count of 3 so I took a deep breathe and listen to him counting to 3....
1....2....3 and then he jumped out!!
I was screaming my head off! And then after a few seconds of screaming I stopped and noticed that it wasn't so bad! It was actually pretty chill! It was amazing!
We got to the ground and ran to nate and kissed him and told him how amazing it was!
"Thank you for helping face my fear of heights babe!" I told him and I kissed him agian
Logan started laughing and said "I could hear u screaming even tho we jumped like 20 seconds after u lol"
We all started laughing..
"well I'm hungry now" Logan said
"Wanna go get food?"
"Yeah sounds good!" Me and nate replied
We got food and enjoyed our night at a club type restaurant!

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