Worst Surpise ever!¡

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Today me and Ethan were gonna hang out because Grayson got sick. I was gonna sit at his house and chill with him but I don't wanna get sick. So me and Ethan decided to hang out. We called Kerrigan over but she said she was "busy" with something so again it was just me and Ethan.
Ethan and I were gonna swim because it's like 100* degrees out side so we went to my house and swam. We mostly just tanned and talked about tour and whether they were going again or not. We had fun after we got tanning we went to get some Starbucks. When we got there Ethan ordered a French vanilla cappuccino. I just got a double chocolate chip frappe.
We got back to my house and watched a movie. Ethan sat on one end of the couch and I sat on the other. I started to get tired after a while. I laid down so my feet was on Ethan's lap. Ethan looked at me and smiled and continued to watch the movie. I the. Fell asleep and got woken up by kicking my. I guess he laid down as well. He was also asleep. I got up and woke Ethan up. "Hey Ethan I'll drive u home if u want. Or do u just wanna stay here." He sat up and asked what time it was. "It's a little past midnight" I said rubbing my eyes. " uhh. Umm I guess I'll go home." He said getting up and putting on his shoes. We got in the car and we went inside. I went up to Grayson's room and saw he was on his phone. "Hey gorgeous" gray said smiling and happy to see me. "What are I doing here at.." as he check his phone for the time. "At 1 in the morning" with a surprised face. "I muted wanted to some see u, I haven't seen u in 3 days. I miss u" I said walking over to sit on his bed. He sits up and puts his phone down. "I miss u too. What did u do today?" Gray asked. "Oh I just hung out with Ethan" i said. "Oh.. ok." Gray said looking disappointed. "Gray what's wrong?"I asked. "Oh nothing.... what did u guys do?" He asked with a serious look. "Oh we just went swimming and watched a movie." I told him as I got up to get closer to him. "Why u don't think we did anything do u?" I asked concerned. "Oh no. I don't. I just wanted to know how ur day went." He asked trying to hurry and change the subject. " it was fine. I just wish u weren't sick so I could spend time with u." I said leaning in to cuddle. I then had my head in his lap while he was sat up. We both stare at each other and then gray leaned in to kiss me. He leaned as far as he could then I went the rest of the way. "WAIT! I'm sick!" Gray said looking worried. "And? I don't care. I wanna get sick if that means I can lay here with u all day!" I said smiling and about to kiss him agian. We then started to make out. "Hey gray I wanted...." Ethan said as he bursted in. "Oh.. nevermind then." He said as he saw us making out and the. He left the room. After a while of making out I went home. I was still texting gray til one of us fell asleep.
I woke up and smelt the most delicious thing ever. I walk down stairs. "Good morning sweetie" my mom said making breakfast. "What are u making?" I ask as I sat down at the table. "Oh jut something special for the birthday girl." She said smiling while kissing me on my cheek. "Happy birthday baby! How does it feel to be 17?" My mom asked. "It feels the same as I did when I was 16 hah." I said laughing. My mom then handed me my breakfast. "Hope u like it." My mom said as she started to clean up the kitchen. "I love it!! U know I love waffles." I said as I started to eat my food. "Well I have to go in early for work but I will see u later tonight for ur birthday present/party. Okay! I love u" my mom said as she kissed me on my forehead. "Bye! I love you mom" I said as I waved. After I got done with my breakfast I went up stairs and got ready for the day as I stared to text back some of my friends who texted me "happy birthday" wishes. After I got done getting ready I checked my phone and I noticed I never got a message from gray. I got one from Ethan and Cameron but not gray. I was kinda sad/worried. I texted him "Hey! Good morning! I love you!" And started to watch tv in my room. After an hour I checked my phone and I still had not gotten a text back  from gray. I then called Ethan and see if they were home. They were home so I went over there. I got there and gray was in his room still and had not came out at all yet. I asked everyone if they had checked up on him. They all said "no he looked like he was sleeping so we let him sleep because he's still sick. So I went up stairs and went to his room. "Gray u awake sleepy head!" I said as I entered his room. He didn't answer me so I figured he was asleep. I went over there trying to wake him. He isn't waking up. I was confused because he's usually easy person to wake up. I kept shaking him. I then was worrying. I yelled "hey someone come up here". I was now worried. He tried everything. I then had to make sure he was still alive or something so I checked his pulse...... "I then yelled " SOMEONE CALL 911!!!" I started cry trying to get Grayson a pulse again. Everyone started freaking out......

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