Unknown message

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It's been a week since the Dolan twins followed me. I still can't believe it but it happened. I've been sitting in my room all day waiting for my friend Kerrigan to come pick me up to go to the mall. I've had a tough week and I need her company right now so it was good to go out for the day. Kerrigan was here and I got in the car. We were gonna go get our nails done but my mom didn't want me spending to much money so we went to rue 21 instead. My mom said I could pick out 1 outfits so that's what we did. We went to the food court and ate. This cute boy kept looking at me and smiling. I was blushing and smiling back. Kerrigan was teasing me about it. She likes that do that when I talk to guys. But we got home and Kerrigan was spending the night. We just watched a movie and started singing and dance to our favorite songs we had on. She is my favorite person in the world. An hour after we finished the last episode of chasing Cameron we were on social media. I was watching edits of the Dolan twins. We were laughing at the ones that were funny. Then my phone got a notification from twitter. I was wonder what it could be because I haven't posted in a while. I looked an it was a message.. from GRA...... i SCREAMED!!! Grayson dolan dmed me!! I had goosebumps and I was shaking!!  I read the message and it said " Hey ur cute, thanks for following me, ur the best. Ur support means the world! I was stalking ur account and was wondering if u wanted to hang out sometimes?" ! I was shocked! I replied fast.. a little to fast! I messed up some words and it sounds like gibberish. I felt so embarrassed. I retyped what I meant to say and sent it. Kerrigan was screaming with me! We were fangirling so hard! My mom came in and was worried that someone was braking in but she saw we were happy and realized that we were fine and then she left. Kerrigan and I were shocked and I was about to cry. I got another message back about 20 after I sent the last message. Kerrigan asked "what's did he say?" I told her " he said, he will be in L.A in 3 days and is gonna pick me up. ( I live in L.A btw. Only in the story though) I was so excited! I could sleep at all that night. I got another text from Grayson... I was crying so hard that I couldn't breathe... I couldn't believe what I read...

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