Wait What!?!

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It was Nate. "Hey babe what's up" he said as I answered.. "Hey!" I replied. "What are you doing?" He asked.. "oh I'm just having a chill girls day with Kerrigan and Aylin, what are you doing?" I replied back with.. "wanna go out to dinner tonight?" He asked all cute like... "omg nate!! Yes of course" I said blushing and giggling.. "ok I love u beautiful! Have a good rest of ur day. See u later tonight" he said as he hung up.. "who was that?" Kerrigan asked. "It was nate.. he's taking me out to dinner tonight, imma pick u guys up after to have a sleep over if u want" I asked, "NO! Go spend time with Nate. U guys are too cute" Aylin replied with.. "ok and thanks! He's amazing to me" I told them as I got in the hot tub with them.
I just dropped off the girls and now I'm about to get ready.. I can't find anything to wear!! Idk if I wanna wear a dress or jeans or a skirt or just plain shorts... being a girl sucks!! *30 mins pass by* ok I think I have made my decision... imma wear a dress.. I jut got it so now may be my chance to wear it and show it off.. I get ready and put makeup and my hair done and I hear a knock on the door.. I go downstairs and answer it. It's Nate, "HELLO BEAUTIFUL!!" Nate yelled surprised of how amazing I looked.
"You look..... AMAZING!! Are u sure ur my girlfriend. U are way to beautiful!!" He yelled as I laughed.. "let's go u goof" I said walking out the door
"These are for you" he said handing me flowers.. "awwe! They amazing!! Ur amazing!! I love u" I said kissing him. He got to the restaurant and we sat down and ordered our drinks...
As we were waiting for our food me and nate were talking about how he wants to go to Hawaii, how beautiful it is and how he wants to live there one day and after he got finished with talking about it... he then got up from his chair and....

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