Big News!¡

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We got to the hospital and had to wait in the waiting room for almost 2 hours. I was worried and was texting Kerrigan and Grayson. I didn't know what to expect. Jut yesterday m mom was fine. Why all of a sudden she's not. Another 2 hours go and we finally got to go see our mom. By then I was in tears. I saw my mom hooked up to all these machines. I thought she was going die. She looks really pale and sweaty. " what are u guys doing here?" My mom asked with a scratchy throat. " we came to see u! We didn't know if u were ok or not." My sister said while crying. My mom smiled and then it was silent for a little. The doctors then came in and told u that my mom was gonna be ok and she broke her arm in the car accident. We all looked relieved. We all went home an hour after that.
Grayson came to pick me because he said he something important to ask me and also today was the last day they were in the US. I got ready and then Grayson was finally here. We went to the same carnival me and Nate and Kerrigan went too. Grayson and I had a blast. We went on almost all the rides. After that we went on the Faris wheel.  "Nice day out isn't it?" Grayson asked. I smiled and shook my head. "So what did u want to ask me?" I asked. He smiled and turned to me. " I uhh... I wanted to ask u if u wanted to go out with me." Grayson said with a smirk. " sure!" I said with a giggle. We both then hugged and cuddled while we were still on the Faris wheel. After that Grayson dropped me off and watch some tv. My sister was still home so she knocked on my door. " come in!" I said. She came in and sat next to me at the foot of my bed. " hey so since moms birthday is next week I wanted to throw a surprise party for her. Would u want to help?" She asked. " duh. Why wouldn't I?" I said with a chuckle. We both then laughed and she left. I feel asleep an hour later.
Today I got a Snapchat from Grayson telling me he's leaving to get on the plane to Paris. I was so jealous. Paris has been my dreams place to visit. Kerrigan text me and wanted to hang out. She came over and we waited for nate to come over because we were all gonna go hang out. While we were waiting I told Kerrigan that me an gray are dating now. She was happy for me. Nate finally showed up and we went for ice cream first. Nate was really close to me all day. I told Kerrigan to try to always butt in when thinks look bad. I could tell nate liked me. We went to the mall and nate tried holding my hand. I pulled him aside and told him that I'm dating Grayson and me and him were just friends. Nate looked sad but I had to tell him. After the mall we all went to my house. Grayson and Ethan would be gone for 4 months. So the whole time me and Kerrigan had cheer and after cheer we would hang out with nate. I think nate kinda got over his little crush with me because he wasn't so sad anymore. We all got along and had the best 3 months ever. We had 1 month left for Ethan and gray to come home. I was so happy. Me and Grayson facetimed and talked every night. I couldn't wait for him to come home so I could hug him and kiss him.. Kerrigan had to leave town so it was just me and nate hanging out today.  We mostly hung out at my house because I had a pool and it was hot. Nate was swimming while I tanned. I looked like a pasty poptart so I needed to tan. After Nate got done he sat next to me in a car. He started to tan also we were outside tanning for almost an hour so I went in the pool. I started to just swim and what not. Soon nate came in after. He jumped in and splashed water everywhere. We then started to play Marco Polo and nate was hiding in a corner and I was heading for the corner he was in. He didn't move. I then touched him and I opened my eyes. We were so close to each other. We stared into each other eyes for a while. Nate then went to lean in to kiss me. I backed up and said " woah. I'm dating someone. What are u doing!" I was shocked that nate was about to kiss me. " I thought I were over me by now?" I asked. " no I never was. I've always liked u. That's why I always come over." He said looking disappointed he didn't get to kiss me. He then went home and I went to my room and told Kerrigan what happened....

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