I Needed It¡!

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It's been a week since I saw Grayson at the mall.
Today I felt so upset about what happened to me at the mall.. I just laid in my bed and just thought about how much I missed Grayson... then suddenly I remember that the break up wasn't entirely my fault.. I remembered that I heard and saw Grayson talking to someone about something I would get mad about... so he has part on this as well... I texted him and got no answer.. I texted Ethan... no answer.. I head over to there house to talk to Grayson the whole drive thier I was preparing myself what to say to him.. I wanted him back so bad. I show up and pulled into the drive way. I noticed a sign in the front of the yard.. it said "For Sale"... I went and looked inside and it was completely empty. After seeing that my heart sunk..... I felt my heart beat right out of my chest.. I fell to the ground and just started crying! I could breathe! I was crying so hard and loud a few neighbors looked and stared at me.. I got up and went to my car. I then continued crying in the car.. I went back home and blamed myself.. "it's all my fault he moved! He was so mad at me he moved..... he was my soulmate/best friend/my other half! I was so upset.. I tried to call Ethan and Grayson and even Cameron because I was so upset and wanted to know where they moved too and why. No one was answering. I was crying so much that when I stopped I fell asleep.. after I woke up I felt a little better. I got into my bathing suit and went out to the jacuzzi. I sat in there and just thought about life.. I got a call from Aylin and she asked if I wanted to hang out.. I was so upset I told her "Not today. I'm dealing with some stuff right now". I then got a knock on my door.. I was to upset to get out of the jacuzzi to answer it so I just let them knock. After a few minutes they stopped and then suddenly it sung open.. it was nate.  "What the F nate!! Don't u know when I don't answer then I don't want u to be here" I said as I'm about to cry.. "Woah I just wanted to see if I were ok! I knew u were home so that's why I walked in. I didn't know u were still mad at me" he said trying to defend myself. "No I'm not mad at u anymore. I'm just mad at myself now" I said feeling like failure. Nate then started stripping off his shirt and pants so all he was in is his boxers. "DUDE! What are u doing?" I yelled "I'm getting in what do u think I'm doing?" He said sarcastically. He got in and sat next to me.. "your not a failure you know!" He said after he got in. "What?" I said confused. "Your acting like he a failure and your not!" U have good friends. The friends who stay friends with u whenever about whatever are true friends. U haven't lost me!" He said trying to make me feel better. "Thank you! That helps" I said feeling a little better. "This is why I love u Nate" I said while kissing him on the cheek. "Oh so u love me now? So about our date?" He said jokingly. We both laughed and just sat there. I then started to check Nate out... I swear he looks different then last time I see him.. but he kinda looks really attractive to me for some reason! He then looked at me and I hurried and looked away. I looked back at him and... "OMG! I'm so sorry! Idk what I was thinking" I said quickly apologizing "Don't be sorry! I liked it!" He said while leaning in to kiss me again. It then become a make out session. We both started to lean in and got close. He had his hands on my waist while I gripped the back of his neck. He then picked me up and took us out of the jacuzzi. We carried me all the way up stairs while we are still wet and still kissing. We went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. He put me on the counter and pulled off my bottoms. I then I took off my top and I got in the shower. He then took of his boxers now. We were both completely naked in the shower making out. He then picked me up and it got heated after that... it was getting steamy and he was so good at it.. It felt amazing I couldn't stop moaning.. he got faster and slower. He was teasing me.. we then got dried off and went to my room. We cuddled and make out again...

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