Our little secret!¡ part 2

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Kerrigan still hadn't answer Ethan.. she was still shocked! I got up and we both went to the restroom to see if she was still breathing. We got to the bathroom and she started to cry. "Are u ok Kerrigan?" I ask. " ya, I'm fine. I think I just need a moment to process what I heard!" Kerrigan relied. We both waited til Kerrigan got it together. "U ready?" I asked. " ya, lets go!" He said. We walked back out and sat back in our seats we got our food finally. We all started to eat and we're talking and having such a good time! I think Kerrigan forgot about Ethan asking her out! We still had not yet known if she would go with Ethan or not! After dinner we all drove home! Kerrigan stayed at my house that night! Her sisters were driving her nuts so she wanted to stay with me. We did what we usually do! Dance around and gossip and fangirl over things!
Next morning I went down stairs because Kerrigan was still asleep. I got me some breakfast and checked social media. I then heard someone walking downstairs near me. I froze and freaked out for a minute and then suddenly I turned around. Nate jumped out and scared the hell out of me! "What the hell is wrong with u dude!" I yelled. I was breathing so hard and was worried I woke Kerrigan! " Kerrigan is sleeping dude. We need to be quite.... what are u doing here anyway?!" I asked " I'm home alone and wanted to hang out! Plus I heard u went out to dinner with those twins u guys talk about." He said. I replied with " yeah and?... u jealous?" I asked, "me jealous? Huh? Ya right! I don't get jealous!" Nate said sarcastically. " mmhhm!" I said with a grin. Kerrigan then walked down stairs and smiled. "Good morning guys!" She said with a smile! Me and nate both said good morning. " last night was amazing! Ethan asked me out an......." she froze and stopped talking! " omg!! Omg!!" She said looking like she's about to cry! " what?" Me and Nate both asked. " Ethan asked me out!!" She said. "And?" Nate replied. " he asked me out and I never answered!" She said with a worried face! She was freaking out by then. " what if he thinks I don't like him now? I didn't answer him!" She said as she paced. " calm down Kerrigan! You will be fine! We will hang out again and I'll have Ethan ask u out again and u can answer then! Okay?" I said with a smile. " ok thank you so much! What would I do without u!" She said with relief. " ur my best friend. I will always be here for u!" I replied.
It's afternoon and Kerrigan, nate and I went for ice cream and went to the carnival that was 20 mins out of town. We spent the whole day there! We had a blast! Kerrigan and I went on the zipper and I got sick! I hate spinning rides but Kerrigan wanted me to go on it so I did. After that nate and I went on the Farris wheel together. We talked while we were up there. " so do u like Grayson?" Nate asked. " well ya he's like my second best guy friend!" I relied. "No I mean like... would u date him if he asked u out?" Nate said looking serious. " oh come on! Why does it matter it's not like no one else would ask me out!" I said laughing while lightly smacking him on his chest. " I would!" Nate said mumbling under his breathe with a disappointment. We both got off th Faris wheel  after that and started heading home .
Next morning a knock on the door woke me up. I went down stairs to answer it. It was the twins. "Ur not up yet tasey?" Grayson asked. "Well I wasn't until I woke me up" I said looking tired. " I have some plans today with u and Kerrigan" Ethan said with a smirk. " what kinda plans?" I said looking puzzled. He smirked again and both the twins said "oh just wait!" With a smirk and giggling.
I invited Kerrigan over because we were gonna get ready for surprise the twins had for us! I don't know why but we were both kinda scared and nervous about it! We didn't know what to wear for it! So we both wore just skinny jeans a crop top and some converse.
We have been waiting for 20 mins for the twins to pick us up! I've been texting them but no answer! Me and Kerrigan just listen to some music and checked social Media. Finally I got a call back from gray. " hey we are out side! Wait!" He said with a giggle in his voice. We both walk outside and got in the car. " "where we going?" Kerrigan asked.  There was no answer. "Hello? Can u hear me?" Kerrigan said again. Both Ethan and gray looked at each other and smiled. We finally got to where we're going. " why we at your guys house?" Me and Kerrigan both asked. We walked in thier house and we're heading for thier backyard. Ethan covered kerrigans eyes and Grayson covered mine. We both started laughing and smiled. "Ok we are here" Ethan said. They uncovered out eyes and I started to cry! I couldn't believe what they did for us! Me and Kerrigan both started crying..... 

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