Dinner Date?¿

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Today was the day! I'm getting ready for Grayson's and I "date" . I've been waiting for awhile to be able to say that! I have decided to wear my trendy crop top that says slay and some high waisted shorts! I start walking to the Urth cafe because it's not that far  and I see Grayson waiting for me at a table. I'm so nervous! What should I say? What do I do!? I've never been so nervous in my life.. he saw me and smiled! He stood up and hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek and smiled. He helped me sit down by opening the chair for me and pushing it it in. He's such a gentlemen! He sits down and he told me he ordered some frappe's for us. I told him " that's perfect thank you!" We both smile. He stares at me for a minute and he mumbled something so I asked "what did u say" with a little giggle And before Grayson could say anything the waitress shows up with the drinks. We both say thank you to her and smiled again. After that There was a awkward silence for a few minutes until Grayson started asking " so how has your week been? Do anything fun?" With a little laugh. " not really! Got to spend time with some friends. How about you?" I asked. And we started having a normal conversation for a while, then Grayson said " Hey so I wanted to talk to u about something!" With a smile. I asked " is everything ok!? What is it?" He was about to tell me until I get a text. Grayson asked "everything ok?"  With a serious face. I answered " yeah, everything's fine. My mom just wants me home now because I have to go to cheer practice" feeling annoyed. He smiles and says " oh ok. Well I'll walk you home then!" And we both went home. After I get home I was literally fangirling so hard. I couldn't  believe what happened today. I realized that I had to tell my best friend Kerrigan.  I get to cheer and I get ready and Kerrigan finally shows up while I was putting in my red bow for cheer. She saw me and smiled. "Hey why do u look so happy?" She asked. I smile and while I'm fixing my bow I tell her everything about the whole "date" with Grayson.

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