Bigger surpise!!

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It's been almost a whole year since grayson and Ethan left... me and nate were a thing now and have been dating for 7 months now... he has made me totally forget about Grayson and the break up.. one day we were at my house and we're just cuddling watching a movie.. and he asked if I wanted to go do something.. I laughed and was like "umm depends... like what?" He laughed and got up and pulled up upstairs with him.. "where we going?" I giggled. He told me to put on my shoes.. we got in the car and he put a blind fold on me.. I was totally scared and confused on what he was trying to do.. he then started driving and it's been about 10 mins and finally we stopped driving and we both got out of the car.. I was still blindfolded and he started walking a little.. he took it off and I noticed we were at the mall.. "nate hah what are we doing here? Why did u blindfold me for this?" I said. "Idk to make u anxious to know where we are going." We both laughed
We started walking in and we went to skylane(which is my fave trampoline place) we started jumping and having fun and laughing and I love it..
We got done and started leaving... "u hungry?" Nate asked. "Starving" I replied. "Good let's go eat!" He said as we started walking to the food court.. "what u in the mood for?... u know what..I already know. No need to tell me" he said walking. I laughed and kept walking with him.. we got to panada express(my fave food place) "omg nate!! U know all my favorite things! What's the special occasion? Ur treating me better than usual??" I said as I was laughing.. we ordered out food.. we sat down and started laughing agian!.. I heard girls screaming.. me and nate both looked to where they girls were running too.. nate and I laughed.. "who's here? Beyoncé?" I said and we both are still laughing.. and then the herd of girls started walking toward our way still surrounding whoever was there.. I then looked and saw who it was... at that moment my heart dropped and sunk.. I lost my breathe for like 20 seconds and got it back and nate asked "what's wrong lol looks like u seen a ghost.. what is it? Is it really Beyoncé? I would love a photo" he said as trying to see who it is.. he than noticed who it was too. He grabbed my hand and said "look jut ignore them.. ur here with me! We can have fun without them and their drama, they left u last time I remember" I started agree "yeah ur right.. u ready? Let's go" I said.. "yeah I'm ready when u are.. let's go" nate said as he was getting up and help me up and we started walking trying to not look back at the group of girls where Ethan Dolan was... we got to the care and I noticed grayson dolan walking past me... he saw me and just smiled at us while still walking.. right then and there I thought so many bad things in my head.. nate then dropped me off and I just went home and texted kerrigan.. I told her everything..

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