Tragic day!!

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*Today was the last day in hawaii before we leave tomorrow to go back home.*
Me and nate woke up and got in the shower.. nate got out before me and go dressed and ready for the day. i finally got done and went out to get dressed and the outfit i was gonna wear was laid down on my dresser.. i looked and went to grab it and it wasn't there... " where are my clothes babe?" i asked nate while he was laying on the bed.. "idk where were they last?" he asked... "well they were right here on the dresser before i got in the shower." i replied.. i looked over at him and saw him trying to hide a smile hah.. i started laughing while yelling " where are my clothes!!" i started run toward him.. We started messing around and holding each other down.. my towel fell down and i was wet and naked wrestling nate on the bed.. lol he held me down and then he finally kissed me and then told me where they were.. as i got up he slapped my ass.. " BABE!!" i yelled as i started blushing and smiling.. he was so funny and cute and i love him! i then got dressed and did my makeup.. we were ready and headed down stairs...
logan was suppose to be in the lobby to pick us up but we didn't see him... we waited and texted him for like 20 mins.. he finally showed up.. we got in the bed of the truck and took off.. logan said he had something planned for us.. i was excited.. i love secret adventures!
we get to our destination and we have to hike up this huge mountain! we have been hiking up this huge mountain for an hour now. we stopped for a minute bc my feet were killing me.. i then asked logan "are we almost there yet?" he replied with "yeah like 30 mins left" and continued walking agian. we finally then got up to the top and my feet hurt soo bad but it was worth it!! the view was amazing! we took some pics and rested for a bit then started heading down to again.
we were almost done and towards the bottom and then suddenly i tripped and fell and tried to grab nate to stop me from falling and i wasnt fast enough and i started rolling down the steep hill we were walking down..i finally stopped rolling and cuts and briuses and i was bleeding really bad on my head... everyone was freaking out and running after me........

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