It was an Accident!¡ part 1

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Grayson makes me so happy. Words can not begin to  describe how much he means to me. Today was the first show they had. I was gonna go to show them my support! I showed up and I could already hear the screaming girls! "Wow they are loud" I said. Grayson saw me and smiled while running over toward me. "Hey u made it!" He said while hugging me. " I would miss your first show for the world" I replied with. We started heading inside the tall white building! We got inside and Ethan was talking to Alex and Kyle. " hey guys, this is Tasey! She's here to support us!" He said while smiling. Ethan and Grayson were getting ready while I sat backstage on the couch. I could see that Ethan and Grayson were pretty nervous for their first show! I got up and headed for Ethan's dressing room! I knocked " come in" Ethan said. " hey just wanted to wish u luck!" I said. " I'm so glad u came! Means a lot! Even though I haven't met u before but u seem nice!" He said smiling as he's walking toward me. I said " well I'm happy to be hear!" We hugged and I headed toward Grayson's dressing room. "Knock knock" as I walked in. " hey you! What are u doing?" He said. "just wanted to wish u luck for ur first show." I replied. He stared at me for a few minutes. " everything ok gray?" I said with a grin. " he smiled and said " oh ya. Sorry, I jut zoned out there for a minute." We both smiled and then Grayson looked at me and said "come here!" I started walking over there and then he pulled out a box and handed it to me. "gray what is this?" I said. " just open it, you'll like it!" He said with the biggest smile. I opened it and it was a diamond necklace. " oh Grayson u didn't have too." I said as I was hugging him. " oh it's nothing. Just a little gift for u because ur so supportive!" We both smiled and then all of a sudden Grayson kissed me!! I pulled away and said " Grayson! Why?"  He said with a shocked face! "I'm sorry, I just..."

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