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Today has been stressful... first I see the twins yesterday at the mall and not only that but Grayson smiled at me... is he not mad at me anymore? Is that why he moved back? All these questions were running through my head... I needed to relax and forget about it. I called up Aylin and Kerrigan and just wanted to have a girls day.. get our nails done, shopping, get food and other things.. it would help a lot. I start getting ready, straightened my hair, started doing my makeup. Right as I was almost done I hear a knock on my front door.. "it's open" I yelled. I heard Kerrigan and styling coming up the stairs.... at least I thought that's who it was.. it was Ethan and Cameron. They both came up to me and smiled and Cameron hugged it and then they both started talking to me.. "how are you?" Ethan asked. "I'm good just been busy u could say. How are u guys" I said smiling. "That's good And I've been good" Ethan replied. "Where's.... Grayson" I asked. "Oh he's out doing some stuff. Idk what but he's been gone almost all day." Cameron replied.. "oh so where did u guys go? I went to ur house one day and u moved... didn't even tell me u were leaving. I was so upset for a while" I exclaimed. "Oh my dad got a job offer in jersey and so we moved back for a bit." Cameron replied.. "sorry we should have called or at least texted" Ethan apologized. I then hear another knock on my door.."come in" I said.."well we should get going.. I just wanted to say hi and see how ur doing" Ethan said as he starting walking toward me for a hug. "Bye guys! Nice seeing u guys" I relied. Aylin and Kerrigan started walking the stairs.. they both started asking questions on why Cameron and Ethan were here.. I explained all that happened as I finished getting ready..
We than left. first to get our nails done.. and then some food and after that then we start shopping. It should be a fun day.
We got to the nail salon and I couldn't decide on what color I wanted.. it's been 5 mins and still haven't found a color I wanted.. I then figured out a color and got our nails done.. we went and got food at subway in the food court part of the mall.. we were having so much fun and laughing and I forgot all about the things I was stressed about.. we went into Victoria secret.. me and Kerrigan always go in there and make fun of some of the underwear in there.. we then went to rue 21 and would mess around.. each of us would pick an outfit for each other and try it on and have a fashion show.. just for fun.. we never really buy anything there hah. We started exiting the mall to go back home for the day and as we were about to exit I noticed something from a far. it was Grayson..... and a girl. Right then I was snooping and trying to see who she was an I'm gonna guess they are dating bc he was holding her hand.. I know I'm dating nate but I felt sooo jealous of her. He's just still soo cute and I'm sure just as funny as I remember.. kerrigan and I got to the car and I kept staring out the window.. "umm.. tasey u going to drive or what?" Kerrigan said laughing with Aylin. I then starting driving. We got to my house and starting playin in the pool and hot tub.. I then was getting a call I got up and answered it..

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