Best present ever!¡

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It's the day after the "date" with gray and I'm writing a paper for school. I hate school. I hate history the most. Who even cares about the Great Depression anyway? I have been at this paper for about an hour and a half now and only got half way done. I need to do this paper but I didn't want to. I get a text few minutes later, it's from Grayson! He asked me if I wanted to go on another date! He also said it's important! I wonder what it could be about? But anyways I totally forgot about my paper after that text. I just went straight down stairs and got some food. I turned around and Nate was behind me. "You scared the hell out of me" I yelled. " sorry " he said with a chuckle. (Nate is my next door neighbor). " what are u doing here?" I asked. Nate replied with " I saw ur back door open and new u were home. Wanted to see if u can hang out! And I also wanted to scare the hell out of u!" He said laughing. " well my mom will be back in an hour so we have til then!" I said upset at him for scaring me. We went up to my room and we put on some music. " so how's ur week been dork?" Nate said with a smile. I smiled so big that it could light up the world. Nate looked at me like I was crazy. " why u smiling so big?" He asked. I stopped smiling for a few seconds then smiled agian. " my week has been the best ever!!" I said while a chuckling grin. " how so?" Nate asked Then I told him the whole story about "date" with Grayson Bailey Dolan!! It was the day of our second date at a nice restaurant he found. I wasn't so nervous this time! I felt like I knew what I was doing now. He saw me and smiled and was a gentlemen again as usual! He sits down and the waitress walks over and asked what we wanted to drink. Me and Grayson both say at the same time "pink lemonade"! We both freeze and look at each other and smile! I had butterflies in my stomach when that happened! He grabbed his phone and dropped it. We both went for it and we touched hands! We stopped at stared at each other for a minute and then he grabbed his phone and we sat back up and laughed and smiled! He's was still smiling and and then stopped and became serious really quick! Then he started asking me questions like " what do u like to do on ur free time?" And some other personal like questions! We started talking and we got our food finally and after we were almost done eating then he started talking me " so me and Ethan were thinking about going on tour. And this is the reason I wanted to talk to u in person!" I smiled and nodded yes. He started telling me all about thier Tour like the name, where they will be going, what they will be doing and such. After he told me all this he then asked me if I wanted to go. I responded with. "But I may go to a few shows here and there". He smiled and grinned at me. He handed me a box that was wrapped like a present. " open it!" He said! I opened it and it was backstage passes to their show. I was shocked!! " u can go back stage at which ever show u wanna go too! It doesn't matter where" he said. I smiled and hugged him. I was speak less!

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