Big Surprise

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Today I had to go pick up Kerrigan from the airport because she went to Miami to see family. Grayson was with me. Him an I were bumping in the car the whole way there. We got there and Kerrigan was waiting outside with her stuff. "Hey stranger!" Grayson says as we pull up to the side of her. "Long time no see u too!" Kerrigan said as she's getting in the car. "Hey Grayson for some reason wants to hang out with us today so he will be tagging along today" I warned Kerrigan. "Oh ok that's fine!!" Kerrigan said looking at me as we both started laughing. "What's going on?" Grayson asked sounding concerned. "Oh your in for a treat Grayson haha" I said while both me and Kerrigan are still laughing. " you guys scare me!" Grayson said while starting to giggle.
We kerrigans house to drop off her stuff before we go have our fun. After kerrigans then it was off to my house. It was nice outside and so kerrigans and I first plan was to tan and go swimming in my pool. So we went swimming. Grayson didn't have a bathsiut with him but I forgot he left one at my house one time so he wore that one. I really loved that one becasue it was hot pink. And he looks HOT in pink. We started getting into our bathing suits. Me and Grayson were changing in the same rooms since we were dating for almost 1 year and a half and have had sex before so we felt comfortable with each other. After we got ready we went down stairs. Kerrigan and I got in the pool and started playing volleyball with a beach ball. Grayson was laying on a chair while he watches us and laughing. After 1 game  of playing volleyball I noticed gray was on his phone texting. He was laughing and smiling a lot. I was kinda getting worried. I looking at Kerrigan and gave her the "look at Grayson" look. She kept looking at Grayson as well. Me and her both went inside to "get something to drink" after we went inside we started talking about Grayson. "Dude who is Grayson talking too?" Kerrigan asked. "I don't know but this morning. I heard him on the phone with someone and were talking about that I would get mad at him about something and that I can't find out about what he did." I explained to kerrigan. " I'm so sorry dude!! I hope he's not doing anything bad or worse.... cheating on you!!" Kerrigan said as she hugs me. "It doesn't matter!! I trust him anyway plus remember when I kissed Ethan? Ya so..." I told kerrigan.
"What are u guys up too?" Grayson said as we walked in from outside. "Nothing" me and Kerrigan both said as we started walking back outside. "Uhhhhm ok!!?" Grayson said sounding confused.
After we got done swimming we then got dressed and went back into the car to head to the mall. "What are we doing here!? We going shopping?" Grayson asked. "We have a spa appointment at 4:30" I explained. "Yeah and its 4 so we are gonna spend our time here until then." Kerrigan also explained. "Are u happy u wanted to hang out with us now Grayson?" I started laughing as I asked. "I don't know yet lol we will find out." He said while laughing. Grayson then started texting and laughing agian. "Who are u talking too?" I asked "oh no one just a friend" he explained. "Oh who? What's thier name?" I asked. " umm. De..... Matthew" he said as he switched names. "Oh cool" I said sounding concerned even more.
After the spa, we went to back to my house and it was night time by now and me and Kerrigan had a fright night in my living room. We set up a little movie candy station with candy, drinks, popcorn, and other fun stuff. I didn't want Kerrigan to feel like a third wheel so me and Grayson didn't cuddle. A few minutes into the movie there was a knock on the door. "Who could that be?" I asked. I got up and went to open it. "Ethan!! What are I doing here?" I asked looking shocked. "Oh.. hey, I got a text from Grayson telling me to come over so.." he explained to me. "To be honest I thought u told him about what happened!" Ethan whispered to me. He walked in and I shut the door. " hey u made it!!" Grayson said sounding happy. "Why did u invite him?" I asked. "Because I wanted to cuddle and I know I don't wanna leave Kerrigan out so I invited someone for her to cuddle." He said smiling. "Oh well u didn't tell me that!" Ethan said sounding mad. "Well I thought u liked Kerrigan so I thought u wouldn't mind." Grayson asked. " I do like her but I had plans bro!" Ethan said as they both went into the kitchen to talk.
"Dude I can't believe Grayson invited Ethan!! I just wanted us to hang out today but gray insisted he hangs out with us.!!!" I complained to kerrigan. "I know I'm sorry. U could have told him no but u didn't." Kerrigan told me. Ethan and Grayson both walk out of the kitchen and somehow were both angry. Ethan walked straight out of the house and Grayson grabbed his stuff and left as well. Me and Kerrigan both looked at each other and looked worried. I grabbed my phone and called Grayson... NO answer, I called Ethan..... NO answer!! We were kinda worried. What were we suppose to do?........

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