New Friend!¡

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I was crying all night and when morning came I stopped crying and went outside for some air. When I went outside it reminded me of Grayson's and I fight.. I cried again. Kerrigan helped me stop crying and took me out and me and her spent the whole day together and I totally forgot about Grayson. We went to the mall and I got stopped by a fan and asked if I was still dating Grayson. I was on the verge of tears. The fan looked at me crazy and walked away and gossiped to her friends. Me and Kerrigan went to leave the mall and another fan stopped us and talked to us. Kerrigan tried to get her to leave but she wouldn't leave. She wanted to talk to me so bad.. "Hey I'm Aylin, I just wanted to say hi. I've seen u around and thought u were really pretty. I just wanted to compliment you! I hope u have a great day! I love you!!" And she walks off. I felt a little joy in hearing what she said. It cheered me up. As we got in the care I went on twitter and looked that girls twitter up. I followed her. I then got a DM from her and she cheered me up some more. "Hey thanks for the follow! Made my day! We should hang out someday! Stay gorgeous!" It said. I dmed her back and set up a time to hang out. Me and Aylin become good friends. As me and Kerrigan got food and went back to the house. I told her I didn't want to go home so we went to her house. We had cheer in the morning anyways and her mom usually gives us rides. So I stayed over and we just binged watched movies most of the night. The next day after cheer me and Aylin met up and hung out... it was nice to hang out with a new friend.. I love Kerrigan but we hang out to much! But I still loved her.
Me and Aylin went got our hair done at the salon, got food, went to the trampoline park. We had a blast! We made a memory and we just met! All this fun made forget about Grayson....until Aylin and I got lunch and asked me " So how are u and Grayson!" After she asked me that... I stopped eating, looked at her and felt like my heart got ripped out of my chest.. I felt like I wasn't even in my bory anymore. I felt like an empty soul. I just stared at her and then continued eating. She was like "ohh ok?!" Confused on why I didn't answer the question. "What are ur hobbies?" She asked agian. "Look I like u and we just met, can we not talk right now. Can we just eat?!" I said sounding irritated. She gave me a sad look and started eating.. I was looking around and behind me was Grayson and Ethan meeting up with someone. When I saw them I got up and kinda hid. Aylin was like "umm what are u doing?" She said as she's laughing. "Something.. come here" I said quietly. She came over. "U wanna know what happened to me and Grayson?... me and him got in a fight over something and aren't really talking right now!" I explained to her. "Ohh so that's why ur hiding!" She said. Grayson started walking toward us still not seeing us. I turned around hoping he wouldn't know it was me. I went to turn back around to check where he was and he looked at me.. I turned back around quick and after a couple of minutes. I check back agian. He looked at me agian with a dirty look and walked away. I turned toward him and was sad that he gave me a dirty look and walked away... at that moment I knew it was over....

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