Best night out

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*to keep u informed on what's happening*
Me and nate are on a date and he gets up from his chair and...
When he gets up from his chair he starts to pull something from his pocket.. in my head I've been thinking "its a ring" and so I'm so anxious to find out what it is.. he finally pulls it out and it's... 2 tickets to Hawaii!! He asked me if I wanted to go with him. "Babe where did u get the money for it?" I asked. "Don't worry about it! Just worry about packing to go with me" he replies. We kiss than Finish eating and we are finally back home.. nate decides he wants to stay over. I get home and my mom is watching tv in the living room. "Whatcha doing there mom?" I asked. "Just watching tv. I'm about to go to bed so if u want the tv then u can have it" she replied. "No we are gonna go up to my room and go to bed" I told her. Me and nate walked up stairs to my room. I changed into my pajamas and brushed my teeth and got into bed next to nate. We started cuddling and talking. We then started make out and other things. Today and tonight was a night to never forget!! Also I'm going to Hawaii!!
I woke up this morning and saw nate still asleep. I looked at him and smiled, kissed him on the cheek, and laid back down. He is soo cute!
I went down and make me some coffee and sat on the couch while scrolling through my phone and then I felt a hand touch my shoulder.. "omg u scared me" I said to nate. "Sorry lol. What are you doing?" He asked as he sat next to me. "I'm just scrolling through my phone drinking coffee" I told nate while laying in his lap.. then we both just cuddled and watched tv... an hour goes by and we her a door knock. Nate answers it and it's Ethan

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