Did It happen?¿

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Today Grayson and Ethan come home!! I was so excited. I haven't seen them for almost 5 months now. I had to go meet them at the airport in an hour so I got ready to pick them up. After I got done I headed to the airport.
I showed up and I was walking around to find them and right as I saw Grayson I walked kinda fast to get to him. When I got to him I jumped on him and hugged him while wrapping my legs around his waist. "Someone missed u and was happy to see u!" Ethan said laughing. " hey Kerrigan and I were gonna go out for dinner tonight with u guys for a welcome back home dinner!" I said smiling and playing with Grayson's fingers while holding his hand. " sounds like a plan!" Gray said as he's about to kiss me.
After I dropped the twins off at their house, I went back home and just hung out by myself while texting some of my friends. I got a text from Grayson asking what time was the dinner thing. I text back saying " well it's 4:12 now so at 6:30 I think". I then fell asleep
I then woke up to a call from Grayson. I didn't answer it in time. I then look at the time and it's 6:00 . I freaked out and jumped up and got ready as fast as I've ever gotten ready.  Then headed out the door. I had 10 mins til I had to be at the restaurant.
When I finally got there I kinda started to run. It was hard since I had a tight dark blue dress with black high heels. I got to the table and Grayson pushed me in and sat down himself. "Hey sorry I'm late. I fell asleep!" . They all looked at me and smiled . The waitress came up and took our order of drinks. Kerrigan started the conversation with "so how was ur guys trip?" "Yeah how was ur trip?" I added.  They both looked at us and smiled and looked back at each other. "What?" Me and Kerrigan both asked. " nothing" Ethan said laughing. We all were quite for a little. " so..? Are u gonna tell us about ur trip?" I asked. " well it was fine, we just did meet and greets with fans and had fun and what not!" Grayson said. " ya we were tired most of the time but we are finally home with out best friends!" Ethan interrupted gray. Me and Kerrigan smiled and we got our food finally and just sat there and ate our dinner in silence.
Kerrigan then said she had to go to the bathroom and asked me to come with her. We got to the bathroom and Kerrigan punched me in the arm. "Ouch! What the hell was that for?" I asked sounded mad. " are u going to tell Grayson?" He asked. "About what?" I said. " about the almost kiss" she said sounding concerned. "No why would I? It's not like we actually kissed" I said with a little laugh. " ya but he's ur boyfriend don't u think u should tell him?" She asked. "No we didn't kiss so gray doesn't need to know! Let's go back out there before they think we ran off" I said will a giggle.
We got back to the tables and Grayson and Ethan were already done. I wasn't that hungry and I'm guessing neither was Kerrigan becasue she asked "are we ready to go?" . We got the check, gave them the money and left.
We all went back to my house becasue my sister took my mom to her house for the weekend so we all stayed the night at my house.  Me and gray set up a little bed up on my trampoline since it was nice and warm! We cuddled and watched the stars as we talked. Ethan and Kerrigan were inside getting a movie ready for all of us to watch.
"So did u miss me?" I asked as I was flirtingly giggled "not at all" gray said sarcastically. I smacked him on the chest and the. Laid back down on his check. " did u miss me?" Gray asked. I didn't answer. "Did u?" He asked again.  Still no answer. "Oh I see how it is!" He said laughing. "I'm kidding babe! I missed u ALOT!" I said getting ready to kiss him.
"Movie's ready" Ethan yelled out side to us. Me and gray got up and picked up the blanket and went inside. "What are we watching?" I asked. " a scary movie" Ethan said with a scary voice trying to scare Kerrigan.  We began to watch the movie and Ethan and Kerrigan were asleep before the movie was even over. Me and gray continued to watch it. " u scared yet?" Gray asked. "Not at all!" I said sounding brave.
After the movie was over me and gray went upstairs and laid in my bed. We still weren't tired so we cuddled and gray played with my hair with I played with his fingers. He then Stopped and stared at me then we began to make out. Gray then took off his shirt. I started to giggle and continued kissing him...

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