Carnival date

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Ethan: "hey Tasey. I thought u were alone.. I was gonna see if u wanted to hangout for a bit"
Nate: "oh no. She's fine, she's hanging out with me"
Tasey: "nate don't be rude! Ethan I'll text u later and we can hangout tomorrow or something"
Ethan: "ok sounds good! Bye guys. Have a goodnight"
Then me and nate started to cuddle agian and watch tv.
An hour goes by and me and nate has fallen asleep on the couch.. I woke up and noticed and woke nate up and we went up to my bed. I got my pajamas on and got into bed.. nate hopped in the shower and by the time he was done I was asleep. He got in bed and cuddled me and fell asleep.

I woke up to the smell of food.. it smelt amazing!
I went downstairs to see what it was.
It was nate cooking food.
When I sat down I got a flashback of Grayson making me food when we were dating.
I started to get all sad and nate asked what's wrong.
"Oh nothing.. just something I was remembering" I said while I started eating the food he gave me.
I finished with my food and I got a text.                 *Text message between me and ethan*
Ethan: Hey tasey
Me: Hey Ethan
Ethan: what are doing today? Wanna go to the carnival that opens tonight?
Me: yeah sounds like fun! What time?
Ethan: I'll come pick u up around 6:30?
Me: sounds like a date 😂😂 just kidding
Ethan: maybe it could be? 😏😂
Me: No hah I have a boyfriend
Ethan: so ur saying if u didnt have a boyfriend than it could be possible for me to take u out on a date?
Me: sure Ethan.. haha whatever floats ur boat
Than me and nate spent the day together..
it's around 6:15 and I started watching tv waiting til Ethan picked me up..
                      *Text message from Ethan*
Ethan: come outside.
Me: ok
I walk outside and Ethan is leaning against the car with a rose..
"Omg Ethan!!" I said as I started laughing.. "what are you doing?" I also said
" we are going on our "date" remember?" He said while chuckling
We went to the carnival and had a blast..

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