Our little Secret!¡

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I went down stairs to get some cereal and I heard a knock on the door! I went to answer it and it was Nate. He was already in the house before I could answer the door. "Hey u finally know how to knock on a door!" I said laughing. " yes I do! I've known how but to lazy too!" He relied. " so how was ur show with Grayson and Ethan?" He asked. " it was ok. My sister came into town and I had to leave early!" I said . We both looked at each other. " what?" I said with a giggle. " u like him don't u?" Nate asked. "Noo!" I replied. " mmhhm sure u don't!" He said with a smirk! We both laughed and headed upstairs. We hung out for an hour or two and then he left and I went back upstairs and was texting Grayson and Kerrigan. Me and Grayson were gonna hang out agian. I was excited! I could wait to hang out with him! He made me so happy! Me and Kerrigan were gonna go to one of thier shows in Seattle. Kerrigan wanted to meet Ethan so bad! She was his biggest fan! She kept screaming the entire way there! She was so hyped to meet him! By the time we got there. The show was in 5 mins. So we waited backstage! Kerrigan was finally calm and was talking normal. "Aaahhh" Kerrigan mumbled as she saw Ethan. She stood up and went to shake Ethan's hand but he hugged her instead! He kissed her on the cheek. " u must be Kerrigan! Tasey tells me a lot about u! She says ur a huge fan!" He said with a smile and a smirk. She smiled/giggled while saying " ya. Ur cute and funny and u make me happy when no one can!". While they had their convo me and Grayson went to his room backstage. We talked for a little. I could tell Grayson wanted to kiss me but I would tease him by getting close to his face and then backing up. I could tell he hated it but he's so cute when he wants to kiss me but he can't. It was time for the show so they went out there while me and Kerrigan watched backstage. We were dancing and laughing while backstage! Tonight's show was ways different then the show in L.A.
After the show me and Kerrigan waited for the boys to be done getting ready to go out for dinner. Grayson, Ethan, Kerrigan, Kyle and I all went out to eat for dinner and we had a blast! We all were laughing, tonight was amazing! I will never forget it. As we were all talking I noticed Ethan was staring at Kerrigan. Ethan was in front of me so I kicked Ethan and I mouthed " do u like Kerrigan?" He smirked and said " no. She's cute but no. We are just friends!". " mmhm" Ethan don't lie to me" I said. He smirked and shook his head. I smiled and then looked at Kerrigan! I wanted to tell her so bad! But I promised Ethan I wouldn't tell her.
A week went by and the twins, Kerrigan and I were all hanging out lately. Grayson knew Ethan liked Kerrigan by now. So me and gray would give Ethan crap for it without Kerrigan knowing. I wish Ethan would just tell Kerrigan because they both like each other! They would be a cute couple anyway!
Tonight Ethan promised me he would tell Kerrigan at dinner. He usually keeps his promises with me so I'm sure he would tell her. So we get to dinner and Ethan is sitting by Kerrigan and me and gray are sitting by each other. We all ordered something and I looked at Ethan and then kicked him under the table. " tell her!" I said whispering. "I can't! Not right now" he said. We both looked at each other and then started listening to Grayson's and Kerrigan conversation. Ethan looked at Kerrigan and said " hey Kerrigan! What are u doing next Friday becasue I would like to go out with u!" Me and gray looked at each other and then looked back. " aww" me and gray said together. Kerrigan looked at him and had a shocked look on her face! She didn't know what to say..

Does she date Ethan? Or does she dump him for some other reason? Find out in the next chapter!
Also thanks for reading my books! I hope u like it! Comment and let me know if u guys like it!

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