Long day!¡

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As we explore Vegas I've never noticed how pretty it was at night until now! We went from place to place just exploring the city! I would definitely wanna visit this place again! Ethan and gray both said they were hungry so we went and found somewhere to eat and we went to Golden Corral because gray knows Ethan likes that place and I know Kerrigan likes that place so we stopped there and ate. I could tell Ethan was hungry because he had 2 plate full of food! I only ate a few things because I wasn't that hungry. Soon after we got done eating we went to get dessert. I didn't get anything because I was full but I waited til everyone else was done so we could leave. After we left we went back to the hotel. Me and Kerrigan forgot to get a hotel and I was to tired to get one so we just shared the same room as Ethan an Grayson. I fell asleep in Grayson's bed. Everyone else then fell asleep shortly after.
The next morning I woke up and everyone else was sleeping so I got dressed and went down to the breakfast room to get some coffee. I went back up and before I get to the room I saw Grayson walking down the hall way. " hey you. What are u doing?" I said with a smile. " going to go get coffee but it looked like u beat me to it!" He said with a tired chuckle. We both went back up to the room and got ready for the day. We woke up Ethan and Kerrigan so they could get ready too.
After we all got ready we went down to the car and started to go back home. We got to the airport and got on our plane. Me and Ethan say next to each other while gray and Kerrigan sat next to each other. Me and Ethan were quite most of the ride there. I kept looking bad and gray and Kerrigan were talking and laughing. I was kinda jealous. While me an Ethan were just sitting next to each other saying nothing, Kerrigan and gray were laughing and bonding... I trusted my best friend so I wasn't worried. I was still jealous though that they were having more fun then me and Ethan!
We finally landed and we headed home. I was so excited to be back home! It feel amazing! I walked through the doors and it's my sister... I was shocked!! I ran and hugged her! " what are u doing here! It's so good to see u!" I told my sister excitedly. "Where have u been?" Said my sister with a worried face. "I've been with the twins on tour. Why what happened?" I asked... "I have been calling u for 2 hours... mom is in the hospital!" She said trying not to cry. " omg how? What happened?" I said worrying. Me and my sister headed to the hospital to see our mom....

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