The switch!¡

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I haven't talk to Ethan or Grayson since then.. it's been almost a week an a half. Should I tell Grayson? Do I like Ethan now? All these questions are running through my head 24/7. I didn't know what to do or say. I went down stairs and got some food.
*vibration on the counter*
My phones went off and saw it was from Grayson "we need to talk NOW!".  Is what is said. Omg!! Does he know? Is Ethan a better brother then I thought? Now I had even more problems and questions on my mind. I text back and asked him where and when. I went back up stairs and went to the bathroom and splashed water on me. I have never been so scared to talk to Grayson right now. *beep beep* another text from Grayson " meet me where we first met at 10."!  That's in 20 mins!! I didn't even text him back because I was so scared! I went to my room and prepared myself for what I was gonna tell him. I wanted to tell him the truth. He's my boyfriend and he deserves the truth. If Ethan can tell him what happened then I need to as well.
I started walking to the cafe. I couldn't see him. Was I early. I check my phone and it said 10:05. I wasn't early So he must be running late. I sat down waiting. 5 mins after I felt someone touch my shoulder. I freaked out and got scared. It was Grayson. "Hey gorgeous I bought u flowers! I love u!!" He said as he handed me the flowers and kissing me on the lips. "Aww Grayson u should have!!" I said sounding confused. "But.. ur text? Why did u text me like that?" I asked sounded angry. "Well how else was I gonna get to see u! U haven't been answering my texts or phone calls so... why did u think I was mad at u or something was wrong?" He asked starting to grin. "No not at all." I said trying not to sounds suspicious. Me and him had a little "date night". We went to the movies, went to my house and cuddled. And we both just hung out!! It was an amazing day!! TOO AMAZING!! *sounding upset*
How am I going to tell him now? He's gonna hate my guts even more now!! Ughh! Why does this have to happen to me!! I wanted to cry.
Me and Grayson both slept on the couch together.
"Good morning beautiful!" Gray said as I was waking up to the smell of a good breakfast. "Aww gray u cooking for me?" I said feeling special. "Yup! U deserve it! Plus I missed u so making u feel special and letting u know I love u!" He said helping me sit up and handing me my breakfast. " yummy! I love pancakes!" I said. "Not just regular pancakes! Try it and u will see what I mean" he said smiling/grinning. "Now I'm scared!" I said while laughing. "Oh shut up!! Just try it!" He said sitting down next to me. "Yum! Banana pancakes?" I said sounded like it's good. "Yes how did u know?" He said grinning. "I can taste the bananas a lot." I said trying not to laugh. "It's good!" I said. "Well hurry and finish it me and u have plans today!!" He said getting up to clean up. "Ohh!! I can't! I have other things to do." I said sounding convincing. "Ya I know u have to hang out with me!" He said laughing. "No I'm serious I have other things to go! Besides hang out with u." I said sounding serious. "Well can I come then?" He ask so sweetly. "Ughh!! Fine I guess u can!" I said as I got up. " why do u wanna hang out with me so bad anyway?" I asked Grayson. "What I can't hang out with my favorite girlfriend?" He said trying to hide something "oh ur favorite girlfriend?? Am not ur only one?" I said trying to tease him. "Oh u know what I mean" he said trying to be serious. "Well let me go upstairs and get ready to leave. "Ok babe!" Grayson said as he's finishing up cleaning.
I get done and go back down stairs. I hear talking. Sounded like Grayson's one the phone. I slowly walk down stairs and trying to eavesdrop. "Yes I know but Tasey can't find out! If she did she would hate me forever!" Grayson tells the person on the phone. "U can't call me anymore. She's gonna suspect something!!" He says sounding irritated. "I got to go she's coming" he said as he hang up while I walk down like I wasn't listening. "Who were I talking too!?" I asked like I barley heated anything. "Oh no one I was just talking to my mom. She wanted to know when I was gonna be home tonight." He said trying to think of it on the tip of his head. "Well ok then.. u ready?" I ask grabbing my jacket. "Yeah let's go!" He said trying to hurry and leave.

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