Big Fight¡!

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All day I have been calling and texting the twins to figure out what happened in the kitchen!! I'm freaking out. They haven't been answering me or picking up the phone. I've been crying all day worried that they both might hate me and never talk to me again. Kerrigan has been their for me every step of the way and has been comforting me and keeping me calm. I don't know what I would do without here. Me and her go out because Kerrigan always knows what to do to cheer me up so she told me to get dressed and ready to go out.
Kerrigan and I go get frozen yogurt and go back to my house to sit in the spa/hot tub. We laugh and talk and have totally forgot about the drama that is going on. It's night time, like around 8:35 pm or so and me and Kerrigan are watching a movie and my phone goes off. "Who could that be?" Kerrigan asked. "I don't know. I wasn't expecting a call tonight" I said.
"It's Grayson!!" I said with shock!! "ANSWER IT!" Kerrigan said anxiously. "I...I don't know what to say to him!" I told Kerrigan. "Jut answer it and say "hey" Kerrigan explained. I answered the phone. "Hello?".... "Tasey what are u doing right now?" Grayson asked. "I'm watching tv with Kerrigan! Why?" I told Grayson. "Meet me outside right now!" He exclaimed. He hung up an I went outside. No one was out there. A few minutes later I saw a car driving from up the street they pulled into my drive way and it was Grayson. He got into the car and walked up to me. "What happened at ur competition?" What happened the day I wasn't there. The day Ethan was" Grayson asked with rage. "What do u mean? I went to my cheer competition and cheered. That's it, why??" I said. "What else? THERE IS SOMETHING UR NOT TELLING ME!" Grays yelled. "Ok I'm sorry but I kissed Ethan! Ok is that what u want to hear?? Yes I kissed Ethan! I was just caught in the moment and all excited and I kissed him!" I said angrily crying. "OH MY GOD!!" Grayson yelled while pacing. "WHY? WHY WOULD U KISS HIM?" He asked "I don't know!" He told him "did u like it? Do u regret it?" He yelled. I was so upset and crying so much I could barley speak! I didn't know what to say or do! He was so angers he stormed off and started driving away. I fell to the ground and just sat in my driveway crying my eyes out.. Kerrigan came running out and sat next to me holding me tight! She saw the whole thing and knew why I was upset.. she helped me inside on the couch as I'm still crying.....

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