Worst surpise ever!¡ Part 2

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We have been at the hospital for 2 hours waiting to hear about Grayson. I was balling my eyes out as was Grayson's mom, sister. Ethan and Kerrigan weren't crying they were jut worried. I could tell Ethan wanted to cry but he was trying to be tough.
We finally got news about Grayson. " Grayson has what we call dyspnea. While he was sleeping his lungs had fluid around it but because he was asleep he couldn't feel the pain but he will have him in surgery to clean it out." The doctor said. I then started crying more because of relief. We all sat back down in our seat in the waiting room.
I fell asleep on Ethan's shoulder. Cameron got hungry and went to get food for us while we waited. I woke up and noticed it's only 2:36 pm. Grayson has been in surgery since 12. After we ate the doctor came back out an hour later. "Grayson is stable and will be fine. U guys can see him but let's start with parents first." The doctor told us. Ethan, Cameron, Kerrigan and I all sat back down. I was in pain but also relieved to hear he's ok. I got up and was pasting side to side. I was nervous and I just wanted to see Grayson. 20 mins after we were able to come in one by one. Cameron went in first. We all saw him for at least 20 mins or so. After Cameron it was Ethan then Kerrigan and I was last.
I went in the room and saw Grayson Unconscious. I was about to cry again but I just wiped my tears and tried not to cry. "Hey Grayson. Today's my birthday! I don't know if u knew that. I'm happy your ok." I said as I sat down next to him while holding his hand. "I love u so much Grayson bailey dolan. U scared me!! I thought u might have died on me. Especially on my birthday! Ur my life, my other half, my best friend and soulmate. I can't loose u EVER!" I said as I was beginning to cry. "please don't leave me Grayson!" I said crying.  I kissed him on the lips and left the room.
The doctor told us that he will be fine and that we could either stay or go home and do other stuff. I didn't want to leave him so I stayed. Ethan, Kerrigan, and Cameron left while me and Grayson's parents stayed. Grayson's mom had to work so he left an hour after Ethan an them left. So now it was just me and grays dad. I climbed up on the bed with Grayson and cuddled with him I then fell asleep next him.
I woke up and was a little hungry. Grays dad was still there so I went to go get food from the cafeteria. After I came back I walked in the room and sat down and ate my food. Grayson still had not waken up yet. That's all I was waiting for is to see him wake up!
It's now 5:30 pm and he still had not waken up. I was getting bored. I was texting Ethan letting him know what's going on and stuff. Ethan said he was gonna come and sit with me so I was waiting for him. I went down the the waiting room to wait for him so he knew where we were.
"Hey sorry it took so long. The traffic is hectic!" Ethan said as he went in to hug me. "It's fine!" I said looking upset. " how are u doing?" Ethan asked hugging me again. "I'm fine. I could be better if Grayson would wake up!" I said with the sound of me beginning to cry. "I'm sorry! I'm here for u! Ur my best friend and I don't want u sad!" Ethan said while he is still hugging me. "Let's go back to the room" I said while walking toward the room.
We walked to the room and and when we walked in we saw... we saw Grayson awake! "Your awake!" I said as I ran over to him and gave him a hug. "Ouch!" Gray said. "Oh sorry!" I said. I kissed him for a long time. "Never do that to me again!" I said as I helped him sit up. "I'm hungry!" Gray said sounding sick still. "I don't know if u can eat yet!" "I can see if he can." Ethan said as he was exiting the room. "I've missed u so much!" I said as I kissed him again....

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