Dinner date?¿

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We got to the Dolan twins house and went to the backyard! They did amazing job at what they did! They set up a double dinner table for 4 people! I thought is was so cute! I couldn't stop hugging Grayson. He makes me so happy! We all started to eat what was on the table. We all started to talk about our days and it felts like we are all on a date! As I was eating I was listening to Grayson tell us about his day. I could see that Ethan liked Kerrigan a lot! He kept checking her out every 5 mins! " hey I'm gonna go something to drink. Ethan will u come with me?" I asked. "Umm. Sure!" Ethan said looking confused. We got into the kitchen. "I could see u checking out Kerrigan!" I said with a smirk. " so what? I like her. Is that so bad?" He said, " no but ask her out if u like her." I said confronting him. "I did remember how that turned out last time?" He said with a serious face. "Well I talked to her and she said she will answer you this time! Just ask her out!" I replied. We both walked out and sat back down! " "took u long enough?" Gray said with a grin. " sorry I had to use the restroom also" I said. We finished eating and we all went inside and we dropped off Kerrigan first and then gray had Ethan drive while gray sat in the back seat with me. Me and gray cuddled until we got to my house. We got to my house and Grayson got out with me and walked me to my door. "Tonight was amazing!" I said with a smile.. " I'm glad, that was the point!" Gray replied. " we should do this again but just me and u next time!" Gray said with a smirk. " ok let me know when u want too!" I said with a giggle. We both looked at each others eyes for a few minutes. Grayson started to lean in slowly. I then started to lean in also. We then were about kiss til Ethan honked the horn and yelled out the window " lets go! We have and clean before dad gets home gray!". Gray then went to the car and I went inside. I went up to my room and immediately called Kerrigan! " dude Grayson and I almost kissed tonight!" I said with excitement. We both started to scream and gossip about it! I told her I had butterflies in my stomach when we were about to kiss. We both were tired because tonight was full of excitement! I went to bed after I got off the phone with her.
Today was the the last day of tour in the United States for the twins so I decided I would go. They have been touring for 2 months already and know they are leaving the country! I'm gonna miss them but I know that they will come back! The show didn't start til 6 and it's 1:32 so I went and picked up Kerrigan and Nate and we all went to the mall! Today at the mall Nate was acting a lot different around me! I don't know why but he was but I just ignored it. We went to the food court and got food after an hour of being at the mall. "So ur going to the show tonight I'm guessing?" Nate asked. " well duh? Why wouldn't I go?" I told Nate. We looked at me and shrugged his shoulders. We got done eating and it's we have 2 hours left until the show so me and Kerrigan went and got ready and headed to the airport to fly to the show!
We got to the airport and got on our plane. We had an hour until the show. And we still hade like an hour left on the plane. I wasn't sure if we would make it to the beginning of the show. I was worrying... Finally we landed and we missed the show by 10 mins.. me and Kerrigan ran through the whole airport to get our uber. We got to the show and he show had 30 mins left! I felt so bad! Me and Kerrigan sat on the couch backstage. Grayson and Ethan were finally done with the show and Grayson was shirtless and sweaty! I couldn't stop staring and biting my lip... he came up to me and gave me a hug. " glad ur here? When did u get here?" He asked. "Like 30 mins ago" I said looked upset about it. "that's fine. At least ur here." Ethan interrupted. It was quite for a minute and then Ethan flipped a water bottle and it landed.. we all started laughing. "That's so 2016 bro." Gray told Ethan. " I know but deal with it!" Ethan said sarcastically. "Since we are in Vegas lets go explore!" I said excitedly. " sure lets go!" Ethan and Grayson said....

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