It was an accident!¡ part 2

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Me and Grayson walk out of his dressing room together we both looks upset. Ethan saw me and asked me why I looks so upset. " nothing Ethan. Just tired that's all" I replied. They did the show and it was amazing! Screaming, dancing, laughing. Everyone was having a good time! I get a text from my sister " hey I'm in town, wanna hang out?". I was so excited to see that text! My sister has been out of town for 2 years and I've missed her so much! I immediately left and started to head home to see her! I opened the door and my sister was sitting on the couch! I was so happy to see her! Me and her spent the whole rest of the day with her! It's 8:34 p.m now and I'm tired! But I still could believe that Grayson kissed me! I couldn't stop thinking about it! I wanted to tell someone! But I could tell my family!! Who would I tell! KERRIGAN! I need to tell Kerrigan! I tell her everything! I was so nervous on what she would say! We FaceTimed and we talked about it! She was shocked as well! We were screaming and fangirling over it! She was also jealous! But not as much because she likes Ethan more! I was nervous to see Grayson again! I didn't know what to do! I fell asleep after and hour of talking to Kerrigan.... it's morning and I woke up to the sound of my mom talking to someone! Could be my sister because she left already, couldn't be my dad because they are divorced!! Who could it be? I start heading down stairs! I'm still in my pjs and when I get down stairs I see.. omg no.. I can't right now! It was Grayson! Grayson is at my house! How? Why? Does he wanna talk about the kiss? Did he forget about the kiss? I was so nervous! I ran back up stairs! I hurried and got dressed! I went back downstairs but I acted surprise to see Grayson. " Grayson! Hey what are u doing here?". Grayson relied with " oh just wanted to see if I were ok! U left the show yesterday without telling anyone! Thought u got kidnapped or something!" He said with a little giggle. " no I'm fine. My sister was in town and I wanted to see her so I spend the rest of the day with her!" I said. He smiled and shook his head in agreement. " so u wanna hang out for a little?" Gray asked. " no I can't... i uh.. I have stuff to do!" I said nervously. " oh ok. Like what?" He asked. " stuff" I said off the top of my head! " well let me know when ur done with ur "stuff" then I guess" he said with a grin. He walked out the door and then I ran upstairs. I grabbed my phone and called Kerrigan . " Kerrigan, dude Grayson just came over! He wanted to hang out! I think he forgot about the kiss?" I told Kerrigan. " or he wants to talk about the kiss!" Kerrigan replied. " are u gonna go hangout with him!?" Kerrigan asked. " I told him I had some "stuff" to do" I said " oh well after ur done with your "stuff" go hang out! Just wait til he brings it up then try to change the subject. Or try talking to him about the kiss." Kerrigan said. We got off the phone and I got ready for the day. I was debating wether to call Grayson or not. After and hour debating, I finally got an answer! " I'm gonna call him" I said. I grabbed the phone and called him. We hung out for any hour and we had fun until Grayson and I were in the car and he asked " so about the kiss that happened! I'm sorry to make u feel uncomfortable. Did I?". It was silent for a while. " idk Grayson! it just came out of no where. It was really unexpected!" I said. It was silent again " well I'm sorry I did that! It won't ever happen again!". I immediately interrupted and said " woah woah! Hold on! I can't say I didn't like it because I did. It was just really unexpected" I smirked. " well would u let me kiss u agian then?" He asked. " uhh yeah but u have to let me know next time!" He took me home and I called Kerrigan and told her how it went! We both fell asleep on FaceTime......

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