Hawaii Sweet Hawaii

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today was the day that nate and I go to hawaii... IM SOO EXCITED! ive been waiting to go since he has asked me! its 6:00 am and we are finishing up packing and calling an uber to take us to the airport.

we get to the airport and we are almost 5 mins late to our flight.. i have never flown before so i was nervous. Nate and I got to our seats and sat down. our plane then started finally taking off and i was gripping nates hand so hard bc i was so nervous. he was laughing and telling me how cute i was when im nervous. i started listening to music and relaxing as we started leaving. i fell asleep and when i woke up... i noticed that i have been asleep for 3 hours of the flight.. nate was asleep and i just went back to sleep.

i woke up because nate waking me. telling me we are here. i woke all the way up and looked out the window and saw how green it was outside!! ive never seen something more beautiful!

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