Break In!¡ Part 2

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I SCREAMED... " Grayson what the hell are u doing in my room?!" I said angrily. "What I just wanted to see u some more!" He said laughing. "My mom will be home any minute! U have to go!" I said trying to hustle him. " well I wanna meet ur mom! I haven't yet and we have been dating for half a year. "Well my mom isn't a fretting person! She doesn't like new people. It took her forever to warm up to Kerrigan." I said. " well she will like me! Everyone likes me! I'm adorable!" He said confidently. "Your such a dork. U know that right?" I said getting closer to him. We kissed and I heard a door close and then heard my mom yell "honey I'm home! Did u miss me?" While laughing. "U stay here and see if she's in a good mood before u meet her!" I said shutting my door while leaving Grayson in there. "Hey mom!" How was the trip!?" I said trying to act normal. "It was fun until I had to take a plane back home! That was so terrible!" She said sounding annoyed. " well u should go to bed then and we will talk more tomorrow! I said trying rush her to go to bed. "Ya ok well in that bag is ur food. I bought some for u but idk if u ate or not." "No I haven't. Thank you! Goodnight mom. I love u" I said as I watched her walk up the stairs. I then heard my door bell being rang. "Who's that?" My mom said coming back down stairs. "I don't know let me get it!" I said trying to beat my mom to the door but my mom beat me. "well hello." My mom said as opened the door. "Hey u must be Mrs. Christensen! I'm Grayson.. Grayson Dolan!" Grayson said smiling while shaking my moms hand. "Well it's nice to meet u! Wait.. are u one of those twins? The.. uhh....Dolan twins right?" My mom said trying to remember him. "Yes ma'am" gray said smiling. "Come in hun." My mom said helping him in. Gray and I headed to the kitchen as my mom followed. "So how do u know Tasey?" My mom asked with a smirk. "We started Dming and talking then we met and then started jut hanging out I guess." Grayson said trying to explain. We all started talking and Grayson started to get to know my mom then my mom said " well I'm going to bed. Nice meeting u Dolan" as she walked up stairs "its Grayson" he said kinda under his breathe. " your mom seems nice" Grayson said " ya only becasue she half asleep lol" I said with a grin. Me and Grayson started picking at my food that my mom got me. "These fries are really salty" I said with a disgusted face. "I think they are fine" Grayson said as he continued eating them. " well it's late so it's time for u to go home." I said as I was sending Grayson to the door. "Can't I just stay tonight? Ur mom wouldn't care! Please" Grayson said trying to beg. "Good night Grayson!" I said laughing. While pushing him out the door. "Ughh fine. But I'm gonna come over tomorrow and we are gonna hang out! Ok?" He asked. "Ok whatever jut go lol" I said. He then cam in for a kiss and hugged me and then left. "I love u. Drive safe please!" I said waving bye. "I will. I love u too babe" Grayson said with a grin. I then cleaned up our mess with the fries and put them in the fridge and then went to bed.

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