Hurt (Part 1)

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                                                                               ~ (y/n) P.O.V ~

      I opened my eyes slightly, squinting at the newfound waving lights coming towards me. Two people in yellow suits dropped down at my side. "It's not Will.." A woman voice said. "I can see that, but then who does she belong to?" A mans voice said and then one picked me up. "We'll take her with us after we find Will, maybe someone will know." The other figure nodded and I closed my eyes again, exhausted, hungry, and thirsty. I never knew surviving was so hard until, I got stuck here, in this place, living as a prey to bigger predators than in the real world. 

      I went in and out of sleep for most of the time but at one point I felt a jolt of pain go through me and I jumped out of the persons arms. I held my stomach and ran towards this tall building. "Hey come back!" The male yelled to me, but I ignored him, I had to go here, I had to go in this direction. I ran in though the buildings doors and found a small trail of blood that led to a pale boy with dark circles around his eyes. "Will.." I said before I collapsed on the floor, the last thing I heard was the footsteps of the people in yellow suits and the woman cry out before it all fully went dark. 

                                                                                ~ Time Skip ~

      I woke up to bright lights, beeping sounds, a white room. I started to sit up, but found I was too weak to. "Look who's up." It was the male voice from before. I looked over and saw a man in flannel and jeans. He had a light brown hair and facial hair, both mustache and beard. "Who are you?" I asked him and he stepped away from the door and towards me. "I should be asking you the same question." I stared at him for a moment. "I'm (y/n)..." I whispered. He nodded and pulled  chair up, sitting by me. "I'm Jim Hopper, Chief Hopper is what most people call me." "You're a cop?" He nodded. "I sure am." I stayed quiet. "Can you tell me where you're from? Who are your parents?" I looked at him and then looked at my hands, shaking my head 'no'. "Why not?" "Bad." "What's bad? Your parents?" I nodded and showed him my arms. Two long scars ran up both of them, one on the right side of my arm and one on the left. "Where'd you get those?" He grabbed my arms. "Bad." "Your parents?" I nodded, my eyes filling with tears. "Did they hurt you a lot?" I slowly pulled my covers down some and showed him my legs. This was where it was the worst because the marks were hidden more by my pants. Scars from cuts were all over my legs, some more visible because of the bruises I got in that dark place. "Holy shit.." I heard him whisper and then he looked at me. "Don't worry, you won't have to go back there ever again." I nodded. "Thank you.." He nodded and then ran a hand through his hair as he left the room, leaving me alone once again. 

      I sleep a lot of the time since I've been in the hospital, and even when I wake up, no one is there unless it's a doctor or nurse. Each day for the past week and a half, I've hope someone would come along, even Hopper again, but no one has, which I should've expected already. 

      I shot up in bed from another nightmare, causing whoever was at my bedside to jump. Wait.. whoever was at my bedside? I looked over and there was the boy that I had "found", Will. Beside him stood a woman which I assumed was his mother. "Are you okay, sweetie?" She asked. I recognized her voice. She helped find me. "Yeah, I-I'm fine.." "Are you sure?" And I nodded, then looking at Will. "Hi Will.." He looked a little taken aback, probably surprised by me calling him by his name, he didn't ask though, he just let out a simple, "Hi." I blinked, not knowing what else I should say. Will cleared his throat and shuffled awkwardly. "I.. I just wanted to tell you thank you for helping find me. I'd probably dead if you hadn't helped." He smiled and I nodded. His mom looked around. "Where are your parents? Are they going to get food or something?" I shook my head no. Why did it always come down to my parents? "They're not here at all?" I shook my head again. "Do you have any?" I shook my head and looked away, not wanting to cry in front of more strangers. "Oh.. I'm sorry sweetie.." I felt two arms wrap around me. It was the mother. "Where will you go when you're better?" I shrugged. I really didn't have a clue, I just thought I'd be stuck in a hospital until the day I died, no people to cry over it, no one there when it happened. The mother stopped hugging me and stepped back. "I'll find out, alright? Don't you worry, I'll find you a good place to go." I looked at her and nodded. "Okay.." I whispered, and soon enough, she left too.

                                                                                 ~ Time Skip ~

      I was in the hospital for 2 more weeks and now today, I was being let out. The doctors unhooked all of my machines and gave me clothes to change into. When I was out, I saw they were changing the beds sheets and blanket. I sighed and went to walk past the nurses but one stopped me. "Why don't you go sit over there until your guardian comes to get you?" I almost laughed in here face. What guardian? I opened my mouth to tell her that but I heard a familiar female voice from the doorway. "Actually, I'm right here." I looked up, shocked, but I tried not to show it. "Alright then." I heard the nurse say and she pushed me along. I walked up to Wills mom and then followed her out of the hospital. "I'm confused." "Well, I didn't want you going around parentless, so me and Hopper put paperwork together and I'm going to foster you for a while." "Oh.. why?" She led me to her car and opened the door for me. I got in and she closed it behind me then hopped into the drivers seat. She looked at me and gave me a small smile. "Because everyone deserves good in their life, everyone deserves a happy and I'm going to try and help give that to you." I nodded but stayed quiet as she turned on the car and we drove to her house.

      Authors Note : This is only part 1 of this little story. I feel like it was bad.. but I don't know, hopefully you guys think it's better than what I'm thinking it is. Let me know what you thought of the story and I'll see you guys soon with part 2! I hope you have a good day/night! :)

Mike Wheeler Your Local Girlfriend Stealer (Mike Wheeler Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now