Wrong Number (Part 3)

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                                                                            ~ (y/n)'s P.O.V ~     

      I had gone out to the store after making my offer to Mike. Right after I had asked, I wondered if it was the right thing to do, but looking at Mike's face of dried tears only let me know that I did.

      When I came back home I found Mike still sitting at my table. "You know you can move around the place, right? You don't have to stay here?" He didn't say anything. He didn't even look at me. I started to put the groceries away.

     It wasn't until I had put away the last bag that Mike spoke up. "I will." I jumped and looked at him with wide eyes. "What?" "I'll... take you up on that moving in offer. Everywhere else just reminds me too much of..." He choked up and trailer off. "Of her." I finished his sentence for him. He nodded and looked away. "When do you wanna get your things?" I hesitantly asked. He shrugged. "I guess the sooner the better."

                                                                                            ~ Time Skip ~

      I stood in front of a small house that was on the opposite side of Hawkins from my place. "This is it?" Mike nodded as he got out of the car. "Let's hope nothing hits us on the way in." I gave him a confused smile, not sure if it was a joke or not. "It's a joke." He told me and I nodded, barely missing his whisper that followed. "Hopefully..."

      "It might be best if I go in alone." Mike told me as we got to the door. "Are you sure?" He nodded. "Yeah, I don't want her to get mad. Things get bad when that happens. Just wait out here, but don't go to the car." I nodded, questions bubbling up in my chest, but also worry. He said things get bad when she gets mad, what does that mean?

      Mike stuck his key in the lock, took a shaky breath, and then opened the door. He entered the house, quietly closing the door behind him. After a few moments I heard him call me in.

      I hesitantly entered the home. I immediately took notice to all the photos on the wall. Some had Mike with what I assumed was his family, another few were of the chief and a younger woman, but most of them were of Mike and the younger woman. Pictures from dates, prom, and so many more.

      Mike came around a corner to find me staring at the pictures. His facial expression looked hurt and I immediately looked away from the pictures. "Jane isn't home but I'm not sure when she'll be back so can you just start taking down all my family pictures?" He looked at the wall of photos. "Only the family pictures." I nodded. "Absolutely. Only family photos." "I'm gonna get the rest of my stuff."

      We had been at the house for 45 minutes and had gotten most of Mike's belongings already. I had moved from helping with pictures to his clothes. I was taking things down from his closet and he was digging through his dresser. I heard the front door open and close. I froze, looking at Mike. He looked back at me and then I heard a voice. "Mike?" His head whipped around to the doorway. He swallowed and I could tell he was going to cry. "Jane." "What are you doing?" Jane hadn't seen me yet but I could see her. She was the younger woman from the photos. She has brown hair that went to her shoulders and curled at the end, and in the photos she had large brown eyes. "I'm getting my things..." "Why?" "Because Jane, I can't stay." "But why?" "You broke up with me..." He put more clothes in a bag that he had brought from my house. I quickly finished off my bag too, making sure the closet was clear of him. I put the bag on but didn't move. "Who brought you here?" "No one important." He answered quickly and she glared. "Who?" The vase behind him shattered and I clamped a hand over my mouth to keep me from screaming. Mike on the other hand didn't even flinch. "Dustin." "Don't lie to me Mike." "I'm not." "I called him this morning. You weren't there." "Why the hell would you care if I was there or not? Don't you understand? You broke up with me Jane. That means we aren't together anymore. 8 years are down the drain. You can't do that and still pretend to care." She said nothing for a moment. "Get out." "Not until I get all my stuff ." "Get out." "I'm allowed to get my belongings." "Mike." Her tone was threatening. The mirror in the closet began to crack. "Jane." His tone matched her iciness. She huffed and threw her hand down. The mirror exploded. I squeezed my eyes shut. "You lied to me about who brought you here. I don't recognize the car in our driveway. Friends don't lie Mike." "Jane, listen to me-" "No." I felt myself being drawn forward and I gripped onto the closet doorway. Mike's eyes briefly flickered over to me in worry. I saw Jane clench her hand in a fist. "Found you." My grip slipped off of the doorway and I was picked up in the air, then thrown backwards. I heard glass shattering and then I was in the front lawn. The wind was knocked out of me and I gasped, trying to catch my breath. "Jane!" Mike cried out. "You can't just do that!" I heard something else break as I stared up at the sky. 'What the fuck just happened?' was all I could think. "Mike! Mike!" Jane was shouting at him for some reason. A figure leaned over me. "Hold on (y/n). I've got everything. Oh shit, you're bleeding. I'll get you home. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I felt myself being picked up. "Mike!" I was put into a seat and my bag was taken off, then the car door shut and all I heard was silence.

                                                                                        ~ Time Skip ~

      I opened my eyes and instead of the sky like earlier, I saw my living room ceiling. My sides were stinging and there was a cold cloth on my head. "Holy shit. You're awake. Thank god." I looked over. "Mike?" "I'm so sorry. I didn't think she'd do that, not to you." I waved him off, moving to get up, but a new voice stopped me. "You probably shouldn't do that." I looked towards the doorway, quickly seeing it was the chief. I blinked at him in confusion. "I've been in a few situations like yours. Just rest for a bit." "I'm fine. I've been thrown out windows a couple of times in my life." "Really?" Mike looked at me in surprise. I looked at him, now sitting up. "No." "Huh." It stayed quiet for a moment. "If you don't mind me asking, what exactly was that?" Mike sighed and looked over at the chief for a moment. "You see kid, a while back there was this... scandal with Hawkins lab. Jane was a part of this scandal. There were experiments with 11 subjects. Jane was number 11." "I'm not seeing what this has to do with anything. Why the fuck did I get thrown out of a window?" I looked at Mike. "And she made that vase explode! You didn't even flinch! That means you'd be used to it by now and ohmygod. Has she thrown you  out of a window?" "No she hasn't thrown me anywhere. It's just like I told you though. Very scary fights." Mike looked away and I looked back at the chief. "Just let me explain. I know it's scary but I'll answer all of your questions, and Mike will too, you just have to listen to me." I took in a deep breath then nodded. "Okay. I'm ready." He nodded back and continued his story. 

                                                                                    ~ Time Skip ~

      The chief, who I learned is named Jim Hopper, left about half an hour ago. Together, him and Mike had explained the story of Jane a.k.a. Eleven. The told me how Mike found her and how she had been living beforehand and basically everything in between then and now. After, Mike stayed quiet as Jim bid his farewell and his instructions to call if needed. 

      "That's what you meant when you said she didn't know any better." "What?" "You told me she didn't know any better to not like you. Because she didn't know much of the outside world. Or at least to me you guys made it sound like she still doesn't." My mind flickered back to earlier, when she kept asking Mike 'Why?' He had seemed so patient then even though he was clearly frustrated at the same time. Now I knew why. "Yeah... she thinks she knows enough now though. At least, that's what she told me when she... you know." I nodded and we sat in silence again. "Where's your stuff?" "In your car. I wasn't sure you'd want me to stay after that whole ordeal." "Why wouldn't I?" He looked away and shrugged. "If you think that whole scenario with Jane would make me change my mind, you're wrong." I told him, but only in a whisper. "Why?" "Why what?" "Why are you so nice to me? It's all my fault you're even in this situation." "That's what you believe, but I don't blame you. I don't think it's your fault Mike." "I could've told you about Jane. Warned you." "But we both know why you didn't. Mike, I'm helping you because I understand. I'm helping because I care." He made eye contact with me and said nothing. "Why don't you go get your stuff out of my car? I promise you, I don't mind." He sat still for a moment, hesitating. I began to get off the couch. "What are you doing?" "Well, one of us has to get your things." I hid my wince as sore muscles and scratched skin made their presence known. "Not you. You're hurt." He rushed to me and gently put both hands on my shoulders, pushing me back down. This time I couldn't hold back my wince. "Is the marks hurting?" "Marks?" "Yeah. From when you got thrown. Are they hurting?" I slowly shrugged. "Maybe a little." He sighed. "My stuff can wait. Where do you keep your ice packs?"

                                                                                   ~ Time Skip ~

      At some point I had fallen asleep again. I don't remember when or how, I just remember this dark blank space in my mind. When I opened my eyes though, I wasn't in the living room anymore. I was in my room, laying on my stomach. Something cold was pressed against my back. Actually, several cold things were pressed against my back. "Huh." I wondered out loud. "I guess Mike brought me in here." That's when I felt a shift in my bed and I froze, then I slowly lifted my body a little so I could turn my head to look beside me. There Mike was, sleeping while sitting up. It looked as if he didn't mean to fall asleep. I reached a hand up and brushed the hair out of his face, softly laughing as he scrunched his face up but didn't wake up. Oh Mike, I can only hope that life has the best planned out for you after this. 

      I sighed, retracting my hand and laying my body back down. Soon enough I closed my eyes again, the only difference from before was that I now faced Mike, a soft smile on my face. 

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