Soulmate (Imagine 3)

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Author's Note: I know I've done the hand soulmate imagine before but I liked the story line for this idea so I hope you enjoy. :)

                                                                             ~ (y/n)'s P.O.V ~

      I sighed as I sat down at my desk. I had a math test this period and had been studying all week, yet I still felt unprepared. I quickly got out my pen, pencil, and eraser as the teacher began handing out the test. As soon as the test was handed to me I quickly wrote my name and then looked at the first page. Oh shit.

      Halfway through the test I began writing the equations on my arm because I had quickly run out of space on the page. Shit shit shit! Why am I not understanding this problem? What am I doing wrong?! I began to rewrite the equation on my arm when something stopped me. Right beside the first time I had written the equation was a sentence in handwriting I couldn't recognize. "You don't need to write the equation again, you just forgot to carry over the 5."  After reading the sentence I almost face palmed. They were right. I fixed my mistake and then carried on. Every few problems I would do the equation on my arm and the strange handwriting would congratulate me or tell me what I was doing wrong. It was only after I had turned in the test that my mind freaked out about the handwriting. My mom always told me as I grew up that one day I'd be able to talk to my soulmate by writing and drawing on my hand, and now here I was using them for help. "Thank you. :)"  I wrote on my arm when I got back to my seat. "Anything for my soulmate." I couldn't help the smile that came onto my face.

                                                                                     ~ Time Skip ~

      "What's on your hand?" (f/n) asked as we walked to lunch. "What?" I looked down. I had washed off as much as I could from this morning in math. "What's on your hand?" This time (f/n) pointed. "I was writing equations on my arm for the math test this morning. I ran out of paper." "You always run out of paper." I huffed a laugh, silently questioning myself on why I didn't also tell her about my newfound nameless soulmate. Probably because she would get onto me for "cheating." 

      I plopped my lunch onto the table while (f/n) got her lunch. I quickly got a pen out of my bag and was about to ask my soulmate's name but saw they had beat me to it. On my palm they had written, "My name is Mike Wheeler.  Mike is short for Michael. What is your name?" I smiled in excitement. "My name is (y/n) (l/n). Where are you from?"  I smiled as I put my pen back in my bag. Minutes later, (f/n) came back with her lunch. "So," she started as we both began to eat, "how was the test?"

                                                                                   ~ Time Skip ~

      It was when I got onto the bus that I noticed I had gotten a response. "I live in Hawkins, Indiana. What about you?" I felt my heart flutter as I sat down and quickly took the pen out of my bag. "Really? I live there too! It's a wonder I haven't met you before!" I scoot over towards the window seat as a boy with dark hair sat by me. He smiled at me as he sat down but said nothing. I smiled back and shyly put my pen away, not wanting him to see me writing to my soulmate for some reason. We awkwardly sat together as the rest of the kids got onto the bus and the bus drove away. 

      Soon the bus came to its second stop and the boy beside me stood up and left. I watched as he got off and almost immediately pulled a pen out of his pocket. The bus began to move as he took the pen cap off but I didn't stop watching. For some reason I felt a tugging towards him, but I stayed where I sat as the bus moved forward. 

                                                                               ~ Time Skip ~

      I got a response from Mike almost immediately after the bus pulled away from the second stop, where the boy got off. I didn't answer though until I got home. "No way! We should meet up sometime! I'm really curious about what you look like. Maybe we could meet up tomorrow?" I smiled as I walked into my room. I briefly looked up at the calendar although I knew I had nothing to do. "I'd love that! Where do you wanna meet up?" His answer came immediately. "Have you been to Hawkins Park?" "Yes! It's so pretty there." "It can't be as pretty as you." I laughed. "You haven't even seen me." "But I can feel it. I know you're beautiful." I couldn't help the blush that came onto my cheeks or the smile my lips had quirked up to. "You're a dork." "If I'm a dork, will you be my dorkette?""Maybe." "Well I was hoping you'd say yes because, well, it kind of looks like you don't have a choice." I huffed a laugh as I responded.

                                                                        ~ Time Skip to the Next Day ~

      I groaned and rolled over as the sun shined on me. "It's too early for this." I slowly sat up and looked around at the crumbled paper on my bed. Mike and I had stayed up past midnight talking and I had written small things about him that he either told me or I had thought. Several times throughout the night either I or Mike had to wash our arms so we had room to talk for as long as we did. 

      "What time is it?" I muttered to myself and looked to the clock at my bedside. "Oh shit!" I hopped out of bed and immediately ran to my closet. I pulled out a (f/c) dress that went down to my knees and my converse that weren't scuffed up because (f/n) had borrowed my only flats. I also grabbed new undergarments and went running for the bathroom to shower and change. 

      After my shower I quickly dressed myself and then dried my hair the best I could before putting it in a braid. I ran back to my room, grabbed my purse and pen, then looked at the time. I quickly acknowledged I wouldn't be late but went hurrying out of the house anyway, leaving a note for my mom on where I was going. 

                                                                                      ~ Time Skip ~

      When I got to the park barely anyone was there. Only a mom and her daughter and another mom with her son. There was also an elderly couple sitting on one of the benches. 

      I took the pen out of my purse and wrote on my wrist. "I'm here. I'm wearing a (f/c) dress. I might be wandering." "I'm almost there and very excited. <3" I looked at the heart with a smile before walking over to the small garden area. 

      I was looking at  one of the many rose bushes when I felt two arms snake around my waist and a head rest of my shoulder. "Hey, my dorkette." I jumped and turned in shock. "Mike?" I quickly took in his dark hair and dark eyes and recognized him to be the boy I sat by on the bus yesterday. He nodded and I smiled. "Oh my god! Mike!" I hugged him tightly before pulling away. "I can't believe this. You're so hot- handsome. I meant handsome." He laughed. "I'll take hot too. And hey, I was right. You are absolutely stunning." "Shut up." "Make me." I laughed and grabbed his face with my hands and kissed him. The kiss was short but the butterflies in my stomach burst and I smiled at him as I pulled away. 

      "We sat on the bus together yesterday." I whispered to him and he huffed in amusement. "I've noticed. You had your pen out and everything." "I did. I was too worried about someone seeing me writing to my soulmate so I got embarrassed when you sat by me and put my pen away." He laughed. "See, you are my dorkette." "To be fair you didn't even have your pen out until you got off." "Were you stalking me?" "I felt... an immediate connection to you." He snorted. "An immediate connection?" "Don't make fun of me!" "And you're the one who calls me a dork!" I hit his shoulder. "Because you are such a dork!" "Maybe." He mumbled and kissed me again. "It's not a maybe. It's a definite." I told him as he pulled away. He only smiled. "By the way, thank you, again, for helping me on the test." "Anytime, dorkette." He let go of my waist and reached out for my hand. "Shall we?" "You dork." I laughed and placed my hand in his. "We shall." I kissed his cheek again before he pulled me along through the rest of the garden. 

Mike Wheeler Your Local Girlfriend Stealer (Mike Wheeler Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now