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~ This takes place when Eleven ran away in season 1 before the cliff scene. (Season 1, Episode 6) ~

                                                                                 ~ (y/n)'s P.O.V ~ 

      "I can't fucking believe you Mike! This is my fault? My fault?" Mike glared at me across the table. "Yes, it is your fault. I can't do one damn thing without you being on my back about it." "Okay Mike, what the fuck ever. You bring in some girl and give her more attention then me this whole week and it's somehow my fault." "I am not giving her more attention than you!" "You're so caught up in Eleven and her crap and then yourself and your crap that you aren't noticing my hurting. You promised me that there would be no secrets between us, no one else getting in the way. I promised it to you right back, so what the hell Mike? What does that mean to you? Nothing now that another girl is here?" "She knows about Will! She's helping." "Helping who? Us? Or you?" I spat out my last sentence and left the table to grab my jacket off the couch. "(y/n), don't leave-" I held up my hand and flipped him off as I walked up the basement stairs. "Talk to me when you're not caught up in some other girl." I said as harsh as I could while holding back my tears. "(y/n)..." He said, his voice cracking in sadness. It made me pause at the door, but I wiped away the tears that slipped out and turned the door knob. 

                                                                                      ~ Time Skip ~

                                                                                   ~ No one's P.O.V ~

      "Dude, what the fuck did you do?" Lucas called into the basement as soon as he opened the door, Dustin following behind him. Mike jumped, dropping the photo of him and (y/n) onto the couch. He quickly wipes his tears away and stands up, going closer to the stairs. "What?" "(y/n) was going home and passed by Dustin's house. She nearly crashed into his mailbox and when he asked her about it she was crying and blubbering a bunch of shit. She gave up and he helped her home. I didn't wanna see you, especially because of yesterday but this is serious. Now I'll ask you again, Mike, what the fuck did you do?" Mike sighed and slumped his shoulders, telling them about the whole argument. 

      "Did you guys like... break up?" Dustin asked quietly. Mike shrugged. "I don't think so. The words were never said but I feel like shit." "You should. Do you realize how long she's liked you, Mike? It's been way longer than the year you've been dating, I can tell you that." Lucas said, shaking his head. "What?" Mike wiped another tear away, looking at Lucas. "She'd talk about you all the time when you weren't around, which wasn't often, but it was easy to tell how much she cared about you." Dustin added, handing Mike a tissue to use instead of the sleeve of his shirt. "Sh-she did?" Both Dustin and Lucas nodded and Mike groaned, putting his head in his hands. "I'm such a terrible boyfriend." "She talked to us all week about you not paying attention to her as much, and that with Will's disappearance... We'll just say you weren't the only one missing school this week. She loves you dude and this situation with Eleven- It's hurting her." Lucas said, pacing. "She what?" Dustin laughed. "Oh my god, Mike. You are so oblivious to everything. She loves you." 

      Mike ran a hand through his hair and it got quiet. "I have to find her- I have to get to (y/n)." He pushed past Lucas and Dustin, ignoring their calls for him. He ran outside and hopped onto his bike.

                                                                                      ~ (y/n)'s P.O.V ~

      5 minutes after Dustin left, I went back outside and got onto my bike. I looked around for a moment, part of me hoping Mike was here, another part of me despising the thought of him coming to find me. After a minute, my mind slowly and sadly realized he wasn't going to show, so I started to pedal off. If he actually needed me he would know where I was going. 

                                                                                    ~ Mike's P.O.V ~

      I quickly passed by (y/n)'s house. Despite Lucas saying Dustin brought her home I knew she wouldn't have stayed. I biked until I was near the woods then I stopped. There I saw her bike thrown near some bushes. My heart swelled at the fact I knew where she was. My celebration was short-lived though, because then I heard (y/n) scream.

                                                                                     ~ (y/n)'s P.O.V ~

      "Let me go Troy!" I struggled against him. "No! If you're here then he must nearby." "He?" I was holding two hands on Troy arm that was wrapped around my neck. "Frogface." Troy answered coldly. "You're wasting your time. Mike isn't here." "Well if he isn't, I still have you. A win-win situation. Either way I hurt Wheeler."  I heard the flick of a knife and Troy's friend looked horrified. "Troy, I don't think that is necessary-" "Shut it, James!" I felt Troy's arm become replaced by something cold. "I'll give him 5 minutes or you're gonna get it." "I don't need 5 minutes." My heart dropped at the familiar voice. "Oh no, Mike." "I told you he'd be close." Troy whispered to me as we turned, the knife still to my neck. 

      "Let her go." Mike said after a moment of staring and silence. He moved to step forward but Troy held the knife closer to me, causing Mike to stop. "There's no need for this Troy." "There is. You did some science shit to make me piss myself and it's time for me to get revenge. I don't care if it's you or your girlfriend that I hurt either, but I'll let you choose." Mike took a slow step forward. "I'll do anything, just let her go." "Anything?" Mike nodded. Troy's grip loosened on me and I sucked in a breath. "Get over there, by the rocks." I gulped as I noticed the spot was closer to the cliff, but I also noticed Troy moved with Mike. James watched fearfully but with curiosity about what Troy was up to. "Now stand right there." I swallowed as Troy's grip loosened even more on me. What was he up to? 

      Suddenly I felt Troy completely back off of me and then Mike's muffled cry. I turned around surprised and then I was stumbling back. I had been shoved. "(y/n)!" Mike called in warning, Troy holding him back, and then I was falling. 

      Fear clenched at my heart and I cried out in shock, reaching to grab the cliff, but I missed and kept falling. The world ran together into colors the farther down I went. I closed my eyes as the water came closer in my vision. I didn't wanna watch myself or my surroundings. I felt a tear slip out of my eye and quickly disappear into the wind, then I stopped. 

      I let out a yelp as I started rising back up and stared with wide eyes at the water which I was only a few feet from hitting. The world slowly went by me as I went back up. Soon I was over the cliff and looking at James, Troy, and Mike's shocked faces. I could see the tears glinting on Mike's face as I went farther up and over them before I was dropped to the ground. Mike immediately ran over to me and tackled me in a hug. I dazedly patted his back as I saw Eleven walk around the curve and she pushed James back. Troy rushed forward but she twisted her head to the side and he screamed out, clutching his arm. "She broke my arm! She broke my arm!" He cried out, running away, James close behind. 

      After the two boys were gone Mike pulled back and held my face in his hands. He gave me a quick, chaste kiss before going into a ramble. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Oh my god, I thought I lost you." Mike brushed at my tears that I didn't realize were streaming down my face. "I'm sorry. I'm such a douche. I love you and I promise never to do anything like this past week ever again. You have all my attention, I swear." I hugged him again and Eleven looked at us. I smiled at her and she smiled back at me. 

      Author's Note: So I got a lot of requests to make 'Wrong Number' into a book which is exactly what I'm going to do, just I need help with making a cover if anyone could help me with that. I'll let you know when I publish the book for it. Also, I am taking requests for all my imagines book, just please message me with your request. Thank you. I hope you all have a wonderful day/night. :)


Mike Wheeler Your Local Girlfriend Stealer (Mike Wheeler Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now