Run Away (Part 2)

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                                                                          ~ Mike's P.O.V ~

      We pulled up to my house and I looked behind me at Eight. Her eyes were wide as she looked up. "This is your house?" I nodded. "Yeah, it is." "It's big." "It's bigger than most, I guess so, but it's not the biggest house ever." I carefully got off the bike before helping her off. "What is this?" She pointed at my bike. "This? It's just my bike. It's a way of transportation." "Oh." She continued to stare at it but said nothing. "Okay.. so this is how we are going to do this. My parents can't know you're here, not yet, they'll call for help which I don't think that's what you want, is it?" She shook her head. "This is what you need to do, go behind my house and I'll open the door back there in a few minutes. The door goes to the basement and my mom doesn't like to go down there so its kinda.. all mine I guess." "Basement?""Yeah, you'll see." "Okay.." She nodded and then ran behind the house. Once she disappeared around the corner, I quickly put my bike away.

      As soon as I came through the door, my mom hurried around the corner, "Oh my god! You're okay!" She ran and hugged me. I just stood there confused. "Yeah.. why wouldn't I be?" She pulled from the hug. "You're 15 minutes late coming home and I was beginning to worry." "Oh.. I left a few minutes behind from Will's house and I fell halfway here, but I'm okay, I promise." "You fell?" "Yeah mom, but I'm okay. It was nothing." I smiled at her to try and fully sell the message. "Alright, but let me know later on if anything hurts, okay?" "Okay mom" She kissed my forehead and then told me, "Dinner is almost ready if you haven't eaten yet." "Okay, I'm just gonna go put my bag up and then I'll be back." "Okay Sweetie." She said, going back to the kitchen. When she was gone, I quickly ran to the basement. I basically tumbled down the stairs before quickly unlocking and opening the back door. There Eight stood, her arms crossed across her chest. "Sorry, my mom stopped me on the way in." All she did was nod her head before sitting down on the couch. That's when I noticed she was shivering. "Are you cold?" She looked at me and I could tell she was hesitant before she nodded. I nodded back. "Okay, I'll be right back." She didn't answer this time, she just lay down and closed her eyes.

      I went quietly up the basement stairs and then made sure the coast was clear before quickly (but still quietly) going to my room. I threw open my closet and dug out an outfit that barely fit me now. It was a gray sweater with dark sweatpants. The other outfit I had to get was in Holly's room. It was a hand-me-down of Nancy's that Holly hadn't quite grown into yet. It was a pair of shorts and a (f/c) t-shirt. After that, I did the same as when I came up here. I quietly went back downstairs and back to the basement.

      Eight was still laying there, but I couldn't tell for sure if she was asleep or not. I put the clothes down at the end of the couch and I gently shook her, just in case. "Eight, I brought you some more clothes." Her eyes opened and I gave the clothes to her. I pointed out the sweatpants and long-sleeved shirt first. "These are for when you're cold, like now. The other outfit is for when it's warm, okay?" She nodded and hugged them to her chest, then before I could say anything, the hospital-like dress she had been wearing was off. My face began to burn and I knew it was red. I slapped my hands over my eyes in embarrassment. "Mike?" She said after a few moments and I looked at her between my fingers, thinking she was done, but quickly closed them as I saw only her pants were on. "Y-yeah?" "What's the matter?" "Well.. uh.. usually we dress in private places, where no one can see us." "Private places?" "Yeah, like in a different room or behind something so no one can see us without clothes." "Oh." She sounded as if she still didn't understand but decided not to ask. "Usually I am not allowed to dress alone so I don't know fully what you're talking about." "It's okay. I understand." My face was beginning to cool down and I removed my hand from my face. I was relieved this time to see she was fully dressed now. "Is that warmer?" She nodded and then my name was called. "Michael!" I looked up the stairs, towards the closed door. "That's probably for dinner." I looked back at Eight. "I'll be back in a bit, with dinner." "Dinner?" "Food." She nodded. "Okay." And she sat back down.

                                                                          ~ Time Skip ~

      I had a small tray with a bowl of tomato soup and crackers for Eight. When I got down the basement steps, I noticed she was in the same place and same position, just this time she had her eyes closed. I put the tray down on the table in front of her and shook her awake again. "Eight, I have food." Her eyes slowly opened. "What?" "I have food for you." "Where?" I stepped aside so she could see the tray. She looked at the tray, then me, then back at the tray. She hesitantly picked up the spoon and began to eat. 

      When Eight was done eating, I made her a tent to sleep in. I made sure to put lots of pillows and blankets so she was comfy enough and warm enough. "Is this okay?" I asked her as she lay down and she nodded her head. "Thank you." She smiled and I smiled back. "It's no problem." I stood to close the flap of the tent. "Goodnight, Eight." "Goodnight Mike." I smiled to myself as I closed the tent flap, turned off the light, then headed upstairs to my bedroom. 

      Authors Note: I'm so sorry it took so long to update! School has gotten in the way but I'm starting to find more and more time to do stuff! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and that you have a nice day! :)

Mike Wheeler Your Local Girlfriend Stealer (Mike Wheeler Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now