Run Away (Part 3)

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                                                                              ~ Mike's P.O.V ~

      I opened my eyes but quickly closed them with a groan. I was so glad it was the weekend.. I didn't get much sleep last night because all I could think about was Eight. She seemed so.. different. Not the bad kind, but it made me wonder where she actually came from. Her (h/c) hair looks as if it's growing out from being shaved off. She has bruises across her body and there was a scar across her stomach. And she seemed scared, really scared, when we ran into each other. 

      I slowly sat up, blinking the sleep from my eyes. After breakfast, I'll talk to her about it and try to see what's going on. I slowly got up and got dressed before going downstairs. My mom was already up, humming and making pancakes. "Hi mom." "Good morning Michael. Can you go get Holly? Breakfast is almost ready and I didn't want to wake her until it was." I stood there for a moment, processing what she said with my half-awake mind. "Yeah, sure." I said before going back upstairs.

      Holly's arms hung loosely around my neck as her head bobbed up and down, in and out of consciousness. I went and put her in  her high chair so mom could feed her easier, then I sat down in the seat across from her. Nancy came running down the stairs, fully awake and seeming to have been for a couple of hours. She was dressed and had her shoes on, along with make up. I internally groaned as she shouted, "Bye mom, I'm gonna be out for a few hours! I'll be back by sun down." "Wait-" My mom began but was interrupted by the slam of the front door. "Why was she in such a rush?" I shrugged but I knew it was because she was meeting up with some guy. Dustin said he's seen her around town with some guy but he wasn't sure who. "Oh well, I'll just ask her when she gets home." I nodded and sat down. 

      As soon as I was done eating, I secretly made another plate while my mom fed Holly and then I rushed down to the basement. There I found Eight still in the tent. Her face was relaxed and it seemed as if she had never been troubled. She even had a small smile on her face. I regretted what I was about to do but I shook her. "Eight? I have food for you." It took a few tries but soon enough, I got her eyes to open. "Mike?" "Yeah, it's me." She blinked and rubbed her eyes before looking at the food, then back at me. I held out the plate even more. "Go on, you can take it." She looked at me hesitantly before actually doing so, but she eventually did. When she was done, I took the plate and put it on the table before facing her, and she seemed to know exactly what I was thinking. 

      "I don't wanna come across too harsh but.. I need to know what's going on. Who exactly are you and where'd you come from? Who were you running from?" She shifted uncomfortably. "I told you, I'm Eight. I come from a bad place filled with bad men." "Okay.. That's a start I guess. Why was it bad?" "Because of the bad men.." Her eyes looked everywhere but me. "What did the bad men do?" She looked away. "Bad things.. They hurt us." "Us?" She looked back at me. "Yes.. Us." "How many of you are there?" "Eleven.. For now, but they want more." "Eleven.. Okay. Do you know why they want you?" Slowly, she nodded. "Can you tell me?" She looked down at her hands. "Not here, not now." "Okay." I slumped back, slightly defeated. I got some of what I wanted, but it didn't make me feel any better. Bad men, a bad place where eleven kids were getting hurt. They wanted Eight and she's with me so- "You're worried." I looked up at her. "What?" She blinked at me before turning away, back into her tent. 

                                                  ~ Time Skip To A Week And A Half Later ~

      Me and Eight had been going through the same order as before. Every meal I bring her food, sometimes we talk, sometimes we don't. We haven't talked too much about where she came from, I can tell she gets uncomfortable and I don't wanna hurt her. And I've been feeling.. Different towards her. She's all that I can think about, even when I'm talking to Dustin, Lucas and Will. I want to talk all about her yet I know I just.. Can't. No one knows about Eight, only I do, and I wanted to keep it that way. 

      I walked down the basement stairs with a place of biscuits, bacon, and eggs. To my surprise, Eight was already up. She stared at my silently as I walked down the stairs. "Good morning Eight." "Good morning Mike." "I have food for you." I said with a small smile. "Bacon, eggs, and some biscuits." I told her, while handing her the plate. "Thank you.." She whispered and she began to slowly eat. 

      When she finished eating, she slowly put her plate to the side. It was quiet for a moment before she spoke. "I can tell you now." "What?" "I can tell you why the bad men want all of us so bad."  I nodded, letting her know to go on. "Not here. We need your bike and to go somewhere quiet." "O-okay." I stood up. "You uh.. You can get changed-" "And meet you out back." I blinked. "I uh.. Yeah. How did.. Nevermind, I'll go get my bike."

      Eight was already outside by the time I had my bike. She was in the shorts and the (f/c) t-shirt.  "Ready?" She nodded as she got on behind me. I fought to hide my blush as her hands went around my waist as I began to pedal off to find a place that was quiet. 

Mike Wheeler Your Local Girlfriend Stealer (Mike Wheeler Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now