Soulmate (Imagine 1)

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                                                                               ~ (y/n)'s P.O.V ~

      I looked helplessly at the design tattooed on my arm. My mom told me that my soulmate would have the same tattoo on their arm, but I have yet to find the person who matches me. Even my brother had been helping me look while he was in school, checking in with the younger grades and asking the older grades if they had ever seen a tattoo like it. Everyone he asked or checked with didn't know, and probably didn't care because they had already found their soulmate. That was when he was in high school though. Now he is in college, moving to Hawkins, Indiana, and as a surprise, my mom wanted to go with him. 

      The day she told me that, she had sat me down on the couch. "(y/n), I know this is on short notice and Jeremy is leaving for college in a week but I think you and I should go-" "Sure." "What?" "I'm assuming that you wanna move to Hawkins with Jeremy. Sure. Let's go ahead." My mom looked surprised. "I thought you'd object." "I have nothing here to hold onto mom. Not many friends, no soulmate, no Jeremy. Why stay?" "Honey-" I got up from the couch. "I'll go start packing now." Then I did.

      Now I'm sitting in the passenger seat of Jeremy's pick-up truck and mom is in her van behind us. I stared out the window, day dreaming about meeting the love of my life, meeting him in Hawkins, meeting my lover with dark eyes. 

                                                                                     ~ Time Skip ~

      "Here we are! Our new home in Hawkins, Indiana." Jeremy said as we both got out of his truck. Mom got out of her van as well. "Hey Jeremy, why don't you help me unpack and (y/n) can take her bike around the neighborhood, try and meet some new people." "But mom-" "There is so but's for you (y/n)." Jeremy looked at me and shrugged his shoulders before getting my bike out of the truck. "Jeremy-" "You heard mom, go make some friends." I grunted in response and he sent a smile my way before turning to get boxes out of his truck. I rolled my eyes as I got onto my bike then I pedaled off. 

      I made it halfway through exploring the town before passing the arcade. "Oh hell yes." I said, going over and putting my bike on the rack. "Let's see what they have here." When I went inside, the place was swarming with kids of all sizes and ages. I looked around with a smile and wide eyes, knowing I'd have Jeremy bring me back here when I had money on me. I was about to leave, but stopped when I heard a bunch of frantic shouts. I walked down the aisle of games that I heard the shouts from and saw a group of about 4 boys surrounding one of the games. "No! Dammit!" The one with curly hair said as he stepped back from the game. "Maybe next time?" A smaller bow with a bowl cut said with a shrug. "But until then, the princess is still mine." A boy with darker skin said, putting his arm around the boy with curly hair while putting a shit-eating grin on his face. "Don't worry Dustin, you'll get it next time, just don't pay attention to Lucas." The last boy with dark hair said, giving the other boy, Dustin, a comforting smile. I stared at him for a few moments and studied him. I felt drawn to him in some sort of way, in a way I haven't to anyone else before. I studied his dark, floppy hair, his pale face, the way his lips curved into his smile, his- His eyes met mine and my stomach exploded into butterflies, and then I ran like hell out of that place. 

                                                                                       ~ Time Skip ~

      I walked through the front doors of Hawkins Middle. We had finished moving in 3 days ago and now it was time for me to get back into school. Kids were rushing all around the hallway and I hesitantly walked forward, merging into the crowd. I quickly found my way to the front office, got my schedule, and then started towards my first class. I was there by the time the first bell rang. I walked in, glad to escape the rushing traffic of students that was going by outside the door, and I approached my new teacher. "Hi. I'm a new student. My name is (y/n) (l/n)." The teacher looked up. She was a woman who looked to be in her late 30's with dark brown hair. "Why hello! My name is Mrs. Levna, I'm your english teacher. Once everyone gets in class, I'll have someone tour you around the school, is that alright?" I nodded. "Alright! Why don't you take that desk at the end on the first row?" "Okay." I said, taking my stuff to the desk she had indicated. 

      "Alright class, before we start our lesson, I'd like to introduce a new student of ours. Her name is (y/n) (l/n) and she just moved here a few days ago. I'm going to need someone to show her around the school, give her a tour. How about... Dustin?" I looked around and saw the boy with curly hair from the arcade. "Yeah?" "I'm sure you wouldn't mind giving (y/n) a tour around the school, would you?" "No, no, not at all Mrs. Levna." "Alright! Off you go then." We both got up and she basically shoved us out of the classroom. 

      "Well then.." Dustin started, looking at the classroom door for a moment, then at me. "Hello." "Hi.." I shyly smiled at him. "So you're (y/n). Cool name." He said as we started walking. "This is like the 'english and history' hallway. That's not its official name but that's what me and my friends call it because that is basically what it is." We turned a corner. "Your friends?" "Yeah, I only really have 3 but that's okay. Lucas, Will, and Mike. They're all pretty cool." I nodded my head as we continued our walk. 

                                                               ~ Time Skip to the End of the Tour ~

      "Annnd this is the science hallway, my favorite teacher here is Mr. Clarke. He is really cool. You'll see when you have his class." I just awkwardly nodded. He turned in a circle around the hall, looking around, then he looked back at me. "Well, I guess that concludes our tour. Let's get back to english." "Okay." I whispered as we started off back towards the english and history hallway. "Thank you for the tour Dustin." "It was absolutely no problem. I enjoy giving tours though Mrs. Levna doesn't let me do it very often, and with that, we don't get many new students." I nodded for probably the 500th time this morning, not knowing what else to do. "Where did you-" I looked up in confusion as his sentence had trailed off and I saw he had stopped so I did too. "Holy shit." "What?" He gently grabbed my arm, looking at it, then I noticed he was looking at the tattoo there, the one that would match me with my soulmate. "Oh." He looked up at me in surprise. "What a day this is." He said, tugging me along until we got to Mrs. Levna's door. "You should sit with me and my friends at lunch, I'll meet you at the lunchroom doors when the time comes." Before I could respond back he had gone back into the classroom, leaving me to only be able to follow behind him. 

      As he said, he was waiting for me at the lunchroom doors. "Hi." "Hey, my friends are waiting for us inside." "Okay.." I said, following after him. 

      He brought me to a table that was in the back corner of the room. There sat all the other boys that had been at the arcade with Dustin. "Guys, this is (y/n)." The three of them looked up at me in surprise. "Holy shit, you actually did bring a girl to the table. Do you have a tattoo?" I remembered him easily. He was the one who had the shit-eating grin that day. "What?" "You know, the tattoo that matches with your soulmates, all that." "O-oh. Yeah." I shyly extended my arm for them to see. I studied each of their faces and all of them had looks of shock. The smaller boy looked at the one in the middle, which had been the same one who had caught my attention before, then he looked at me. The boy who had asked the question just sat there in silence now, all his smugness now gone away. The boy in the middle said nothing, he just stared at the tattoo on my arm, eyes bulging out of his head. 

      Silence hung in the air for a few minutes, before finally the boy in the middle extended his arm as well and then it was my turn to be shocked. His tattoo was an exact replica of mine. "Holy fuck.." I looked back up at him to meet his eyes and as soon as I did he gave me an awkward, but cute smile. "I'm Mike, short for Michael." He held out his hand for me to shake. I grabbed it and gently shook it as I said. "(y/n). (y/n) (l/n)." I said with a smile as I sat down, right across from my newly found soulmate. 

      Author's Note: All I have to say is, I am so sorry if this chapter sucked, I'm just going through the soulmate imagine thing right now, let me know how you guys like that. I hope you all have an amazing day/night! :)

Mike Wheeler Your Local Girlfriend Stealer (Mike Wheeler Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now