Hurt (Part 4)

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                                                                                ~ (y/n) P.O.V ~

      The principal opened the door to her office and Mike slightly tugged me in, the door closing behind us. She sat down at her desk and then looked at us. "Go on, sit." And so then me and Mike both awkwardly sat down. "What happened out there?" She folded her hands on her desk and I just stared at her. "Mike you have never had one problem and (y/n), it's your first day here. One moment I'm sitting here calmly and then the next thing I know, a teacher is running in here saying trouble is in the cafeteria." She looked between the both of us. "Well.." Mike started out. "There's the school bully, Troy. He makes fun of me and my friends all the time and so he came up and started doing that. He got mad while trying to make fun of us and.. his friends poured cold water on us.. and I didn't mean to but it was an instinct kind of.. " He trailed off. "You didn't mean to do what?" Mike looked away. "He punched him.." I whispered "Punched who." "One of the friends.." "Okay and then what?" "Troy was gonna hit him.. So I blocked his punch and shoved him.. but you should know, you were there for that." I stared at her and she stayed quiet. "Can you two tell me, what is the meaning of this behavior?" "The meaning, ma'am?" Mike questioned. "Why do you suddenly just be the bad kid." "The bad kid? The bad kid? I have a question ma'am, I'm the bad kid?" "You punched another student." "He did it in self defense." "You shouldn't be talking either (y/n), you pushed someone and made them fall over a table." "In self defense, what did you expect? For us to let ourselves get beat to a pulp? Why do we get in trouble when the school bully, I repeat, the school bully did the wrong first? I had the right to push him and Mike had the right to throw a punch." I was getting overwhelmed and angry. I was doing a lot of talking and feeling several emotions at once. "You will not use that tone with me young lady." "What tone? My informal tone? The one that tells you a student is being smarter than the adult? 'That tone.' You just don't like that you are wrong and I am right." "That is it, I am calling your guardians, both of you." "Have fun with that." I stood and walked out of her office, Mike blankly following behind me. "Michael and (y/n), get back here now!" She yelled but I didn't stop. Once Mike realized what we had just down, he grabbed my hand and pulled me out the front school doors. "I have my bike..We can go to my house if you want." I nodded. "Okay Mike.." He led me to his bike and then let me get on before getting on himself. We heard the front school doors open as Mike started to pedal away and the principal started to shout after us, "Get back here you two before you get a bigger punishment than before!" I looked back at her as she stood there, seething, as Mike pedaled, making us farther and farther away from her. 

      We made it to Mikes house after some time and I panicked a little when I saw a car in the driveway. "Don't worry.. I have a back door we can go through so my mom can't find us." "Won't the principal call?" "Probably if she hasn't already.. Hopefully my mom understands.." He rode his bike over onto the grass and behind his house, where he hopped off of the bike and then helped me off. He grabbed my hand and quietly opened the door and then shut it behind us. I took a look around and he whispered to me, "This is my basement.. when school ends I'll go to the front door and I'll.. I don't know, you can come with me, but I'll do the talking, okay?" I nodded but was barely listening, instead looking around. The basement looked so homey and I couldn't help but walk around. "I spend a lot of my time down here.. On the weekends me and the other guys play D&D, it's really fun. Maybe you can campaign with us sometime." I nodded, though I didn't fully understand what he meant. Just then we heard the phone ring and then his mom answer the phone and minutes later was arguing with whoever it was. Mike sat on the couch, sighing and putting his hands on his face. "This is going to be a long afternoon."

                                                             ~ Time Skip Until After School ~

      According to Mike, school had ended 15 minutes ago and now we were going to act like we were coming to his house. We snuck through the backdoor and were in the front yard within seconds. Mike put his bike in the garage area and then we both walked to the front door. "Are you ready?" "No." Then he opened the door. Right as it shut, a woman's voice called out, probably his mom, "Michael? Is that you? I got a call fro-" She turned the corner and stopped, staring at us. "Who's this?" "(y/n).." he mumbled and she walked over. "This is who you got in trouble with? Explanation. Now." "What did the school tell you?" "That you straight up punched a kid at lunch while she pushed another one and made him get hurt as well. What is the deal Michael?!" "Mom-" "No, you've always been good in school, grade and behavior wise, now it's suddenly changing!" "Mom listen-" "What's influencing you? Do you want something? Is it-" "Mom! It was the school bully!" She stopped talking and looked at Mike. "What?" "There's a school bully named Troy and he picks on us a lot. He started to pick on me and (y/n) and he got mad at her and then his friends poured water on us." "Cold water.." I whispered and he nodded. "I don't know what came over me but I just got mad and punched his friend.. And then Troy was going to beat me up, but (y/n) stopped him and pushed him. The principal wasn't listening.. Only we were going to get in trouble, so we ran." His mom sighed and placed her hands on her hips and looked away. "Do you have (y/n)s parents phone number? I'd like to talk with her parents about this." Mike looked at me and then back at his mom. "Joyce is fostering her mom, remember?" His mom basically face palmed. She had forgotten in her little fit. "Alright, I'll call her in a moment.. Actually right now." And then she walked to the kitchen. "My mom forgets things sometimes when she's stressed or angry.." I nodded as we set down our bags and sat at the base of the stairs.


      Authors Note : So I wasn't able to post yesterday but I was able to today :D I hope you like the chapter and hopefully it wasn't too confusing. Let me know if you have any questions.. I think in the next chapter or two I'm going to end this imagine. I hope you guys are liking it so far and that you have a fantastic day/night!

Mike Wheeler Your Local Girlfriend Stealer (Mike Wheeler Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now