A Cry For Help (Part 1)

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                                                                          ~ (y/n)'s P.O.V ~

      I watched them, slightly hurt. We had only been looking for Will and found her instead. She won't even tell us her name.. But here Mike was, taking care of her as if he's known her all his life. I stood back with Dustin and Lucas, watching with them. "It's all okay, alright?" I heard Mike tell the girl and I softly scoffed, turning around. I've liked Mike for 2 years now, I just never had the courage to tell him that, and now he was babying some other girl that we just met and I hated it. I absolutely hated it. I felt someone place a hand on my shoulder and I faced them. It was Dustin. He was giving me a sympathetic look. He knew about my crush on Mike a few months after it started. "Hey, Mike, we should probably go." Dustin said as I started to collect my things. Mike looked at all of us before sighing. "I guess so. It's getting late." "Getting late or not, I still can't stay here." I said, grabbing my bag and walked out, frustrated, upset, and most of all, jealous. 

                                                                                     ~ Time Skip ~

      I woke up to my Supercomm going off but I couldn't tell. It sounded like Lucas and Dustin but I just closed my eyes. I didn't want to go to school, I didn't want to see Mike and I didn't want to hear about the girl from last night. 

      I sat very still as I heard my door open. "(y/n)? Are you up?" It was my mom. I shut my eyes, silently hoping that if I didn't answer she would just leave me alone. I felt her hand touch my shoulder and she lightly shook me. "(y/n), it's time to get up." I turned over and looked at her. "Are you okay, sweetheart?" "I don't.. I don't wanna go to school today mom." She felt my forehead and bit her lip. "You don't have a fever but.. with everything that has been going on, I think you deserve a day or two off." "Thank you mom." "Mhm.. Do you want me to take the day off or anything?" "No, it's okay, I'll be okay." "Alright." She sighed. "Call my work if you need anything, and if I can't answer call Karen or something. I would say Joyce but she is already wrapped up as it is." I nodded. "Okay mom, I will." Then she left. She left and I began to cry.

                                                  ~ 3rd person P.O.V with Dustin and Lucas ~

      The bell rang and Dustin and Lucas looked at Mike's empty seat, then (y/n)'s. "They've never been this late before." "Oh no, you don't think Karen found out, do you?" "I knew his stupid plan wouldn't work." "You agreed with it!" "But it was obviously stupid! And you saw (y/n) last night, she was jealous from the start. Mike showed that girl more interest than he has shown (y/n) in the years she has known him!" Dustin made a face before sighing and nodded. "You're right.. You know that's probably why she's not here. We were supposed to go to his house after school today." Lucas shook his head. "He's messed up real good this time." 

                                                                                    ~ (y/n)'s P.O.V ~ 

      I stared at my wall. The tears had stopped a long time ago but I couldn't bring myself to move. I knew Mike barely knew this girl.. but the way he looked at her and how he spoke to her, even though she barely spoke back. I couldn't take any of it, in fact I never wanted to see his face again.

      After 30 minutes of debating, I finally got out of bed and walked to my kitchen. I made myself a mug of hot chocolate. I held the mug in my hands, taking sips only every few minutes. I began to head back to my room when I saw a glimpse of something moving through the kitchen window from the corner of my eye. I put my mug on the counter, going to take a closer look. In my drive way was a white van that said, "Hawkins Electricity" on the side. My eyebrows furrowed as I watched two men get out. Mom never said she made an appointment with the light company... Maybe she just forgot?

      I walked closer to the door, waiting for their knock, yet I did not answer. I listened as they walked away, almost breathing a sigh of relief. If mom made an appointment, she can reschedule it. 

      I began to head back to the kitchen but froze as I heard the lock click and the door open. I ran into a small corner in the wall and grabbed the closest thing to me. My mom's vase.. I looked at it for a second. At least it isn't her favorite one.. I waited and soon a man dressed in white came into my line of sight. He had white hair and he was really tall. "Dr.Brenner." I heard someone say and when his back fully faced me, I ran and jumped. He stumbled, surprised and I smashed the vase onto his head. He cried out. "What in the hell-" I felt myself being yanked of off the man, Dr.Brenner. I was held by two separate men, both also in white. Dr.Brenner turned to me. "What do we have here?" I stood still, glaring at him. "Not much of a talker, huh? Most of the kids I deal with usually aren't." "I shouldn't have to be since you broke into my house." "Ah.. well, you weren't supposed to be here.. We can't leave you here because you will obviously tell but.. We can take you with us." My eyes widened and I began to struggle. I felt them pick me up and they started carrying me to the door. "Stop! Stop!" I cried out then I reached over and bit one of the men on the arm. He cried out,letting go which made the other guy stumble back and let go as well. I took off running towards Mike's house. He may not be home but Karen should be. I heard the doors to the van slam behind me and I turned to go through the school park, avoiding the roads at all costs. 

      My legs burned and my lungs felt like hell but I almost screamed out in relief when I saw the back of his house. "Mike!" I called as I got closer and I saw someone peep through Nancy's window. "Nancy!" I smiled but then I got a better look at their face. It was the girl from last night. I didn't even have time to process what was going on when I felt the air being knocked from my lungs. "You were quite the chase but we got you." I felt a needle prick my neck and my eyes got heavy. "Mike.." I whispered. "We got you." The man's voice sounded faded out and darkness crept in on the edges of my vision. "We got you." It rang through my head one last time as I watched the girl close the curtains to Nancy's bedroom window.

      Authors Note: I'm sorry I haven't updated this specific book in a bit, but school is starting soon so I've been a little focused on that but don't worry, I won't stop updating. I hope you all liked the chapter and have an amazing day! :)

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