Wrong Number (Part 1)

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                                                              ~ They are adults in this imagine ~

                                                                                 ~ (y/n)'s P.O.V ~

      I was sitting at my dining table, picking through my dinner. It was passed 11 at night and I wasn't sure what I was still doing up or why I was having dinner this late.

      I got up to get a container for my leftovers, but stopped when I heard the phone ring. "Who the hell is calling at this time of night?" I muttered and walked towards my phone. "Hello?" "Hey." A slurred voice came from the other end of the line. "Can you come pick me up? I'm at the bar and.. Jane dumped me. After 8 long ass years." "I um.." I shuffled my feet. "I'll pick you up yeah, but I'll need your name before I do." "Wait a minute. Who is this?" "I think you called the wrong number but it's really late, so I'll still pick you up alright..?" "My name is.. Mike. Yeah. Mike." "Okay. Mike. I'm (y/n). You stay there, I'll be there soon."

                                                                                  ~ Time Skip ~      

      "How do I get myself into these things?" I asked myself as I awkwardly walked into the bar. "How the hell am I even supposed to know who he is? He sounded flat out drunk but everyone looks just about the same." I pushed passed a cluster of people and walked towards the bar. I tapped the shoulder of one of the guys sitting there. He had dark unruly hair and his eyes were dark, glazed over from his drunken state. "Excuse me sir, do you know anyone here named Mike?" He gave me a lopsided smile. "As far as I know, I am the only Mike in here." I sighed in relief at how quickly I had found him. "What's a pretty girl like you doing here all alone? Guys are perverted when they're here. I'd like to think I'm not but at the same time, it's my first time being drunk so I wouldn't know." "I um.. I'm (y/n). The person you called." He ignored me and continued on. "That being said though, just cause I haven't been drunk before doesn't mean I don't know what goes on in each one of their heads. I'd buy you a drink or something, hang out with you, but I have a nice lady coming to get me. Don't remember her name but she sounded nice, like she wasn't gonna kidnap me or some other shit." "Yeah, I'm that girl." I said awkwardly. "You are? Great! Let's go." He stood up, wobbled, then fell back into his chair. "Why the fuck can't I walk?" "Cause you're drunk?" He laughed. "Oh yeah."

      After some time and several stops on my way to the car, we finally made it. I helped him into the passenger seat of the car. Once I got in my drivers seat I looked at him. "Do you remember your address?" He looked at me and quietly said, "Yeah.." "Do you mind telling me what it is?" "I can't do that." "Why not?" "My girl.. I live with her... Well I can't call her that, she ain't exactly my girl anymore." Then Mike just burst into tears and my heart broke for him. I hugged him the best I could considering we were in a car until he calmed down. "Alright, you can stay with me for the night." He wiped away at his tears. "Really? You don't have to." I smiled at him, but it was a shaky one. "I do, cause I've had moments like these where I wished people would've done the same for me."

      I helped him into my home. "Do you need any clothes or anything? I might have something." He waved his hand. "I'm fine." "You can take my guest room." I began to lead him towards the door, but then he stopped me. "Wait, if you don't mind, can I stay in your room? I don't mean the same bed cause that'd be weird but.. I don't wanna be alone." He gave me the same look that he did from when we were in the car and my heart collapsed in on itself. "Yeah. You can take my bed. I have a futon in there for me." "I can take the futon." I started dragging him to my room. "I have one condition for you staying in my room." I  tried leading him to the bed but he swerved my pathway and then collapsed on the futon. "I need to pull it out." I said simply and he mumbled something before stumbling up, then he let me pull it out again before collapsing again. "What's your condition?" He asked, but it was muffled but a pillow. "You gotta shower in the morning." He just hummed and didn't say anything after that. I just stared at him for a moment and sighed once I knew he was asleep before going to get ready for bed myself.

                                                                                  ~ Time Skip ~

      I woke up to the sound of a shower running and throwing up. I groaned and sat up, rubbing my eyes. I looked across my room and saw the messed up futon, then last night came flooding into my mind. "Mike." I pushed my sheets off of me and clambered out of bed, heading towards my bathroom door. I knocked on it. "Mike?" I heard a groan in response. I sighed and stood there for a moment before knocking on the door again. "Mike, do you need anything?" "Clothes?" He sounded groggy and confused. He must have just woken up and he probably has a serious hangover. "Alright, I'll be right back." 

      I clenched a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt in my hands as I headed towards the bathroom. The clothes were from a time my brother has stayed over and forgot some clothes behind. Who knew they would actually help me at some point? I gently knocked on the door. "Mike? I have some clothes." The door opened some and I saw him blink multiple times, squint at me for a moment, then look down at the clothes. "Thank you." He said awkwardly and I gently handed them to him. "Do you need anything else?" "Uh.. Headache medicine? Water?" He rubbed his eyes and looked away. "I swear I am never drinking again." I heard him mutter as he closed the bathroom door. 

      Author's Note: I hope you're all enjoying this part so far and I will try to get a part 2 out soon. Thank you guys for all the sweet comments and supportive things you have told me, I really appreciate it. I hope you all have an amazing day/night! :)

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