A Start (Part 4)

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                                                                                  ~ (y/n)s P.O.V ~ 

      "It'll be fine (y/n)." Mike said. "How do you know? What if they hate me? What if I can't be with you anymore?" I felt his laugh vibrate through my arms that were around his waist. "It's not funny!" "You're being paranoid, (y/n). Don't worry, my family is going to love you." I bit my lip in an uncertain way but I had nothing to throw back as we turned the final corner, onto his street. I was meeting his family after being together for a week now. It didn't feel like a week though, it felt like months, but also it felt like yesterday is when we became a couple. That was our first kiss, and so far our only kiss. There had been kisses on the cheek during recess when no one was looking, or before school when we had a test in some class so it was for good luck, or after school when we both had to go home.

      Mike pulled to a stop in from of a big, two-story house. "Wow.." I whispered as he helped me off the bike. "Yeah.. Here's my home!" He grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the door but I wouldn't move my legs. He looked back at me after I stopped moving with him. "(y/n)?" I stared at him, and in that moment I think he realized how scared I actually was. He dropped my hand and came over to hug me. "It'll be okay, I promise. My family isn't scary, they're really nice.. I'm not just saying they'll like you to make you feel better, I know they will because you make me happy and that's what they care about." I looked at him, trying to make myself less tense. A shaky, "Okay..", slipped passed my lips and he kissed my cheek. I knew a pink tint was placed onto my cheeks as soon as he laughed and I felt myself calm a little bit more. He smiled at me and said, "Are you ready?" I took a deep breath and nodded my head, which made him jump a little then take my hand into his and drag me into his house.

      As soon as we were through the door, the smell of meatloaf and other foods came to meet my nose. I didn't realize I had made a noise telling I liked the smell until Mike nudged me and I looked at him. He had a smile plastered onto his face. "My moms cooking is the best." I blinked at him. "You said 'Mm it smells good'.." I felt my face heat up, "I.. I did?!" Mike laughed. "Yeah, you did." Then a girl's voice came to me. "Mike? Is that you?" A girl with wavy brown hair turned the corner. Then her jaw dropped when her eyes passed over me. "Oh my gosh Mom! Mike actually brought a girl home!"I heard a pot drop into a sink. "Nancy! Did you think he was lying?" A voice said from the kitchen and the girl shrugged. "Kind of." A women came out of the kitchen. She had brown hair, like the girl called Nancy, but hers was more curled in the front. She was wearing an apron covered with small pink flowers across a background of white. Once her eyes met mine, she immediately smiled. "Hi!" She walked forward some as she talked to me. "I'm Karen, you don't have to worry about calling me Mrs.Wheeler or anything. I'm Mike's mom." I gave her a small smile back and a quiet, "Hi." slipped passed my lips. "You're shy aren't you? Well don't worry, I won't bite and-" She glanced back for a moment. "That's Nancy over there, Mike's older sister. Sometimes she can seem mean, but I promise, she's not." Nancy made a face. "Mom, I can hear you." and then I laughed, which made Karen smile even more. 

      After being introduced to Nancy and Karen, Mike led me to the basement. "This is where me and the guys play our Dungeons and Dragons campaigns and where we hang out a lot." "Dungeons and Dragons?" "Yeah.. It's a board game, I can have you come over during one of our campaigns and teach you how to play. It's really fun." I nodded. "Okay, yeah.. I'd like that." He smiled. "Cool." Then we both sat on the couch. An awkward silence hung over us for a moment. Then Mike cleared his throat and I looked at him. His cheeks were tinted red and he brushed his fingers against mine. "I have a question and it may seem awkward but I- I'll just say it. How long have you been uh.. drawing me?" Now I understood why his cheeks were red as mine burst into the same color. "I um.." I looked away from him as I said the next couple of words. "The beginning of 6th grade.." "You've been drawing me for 2 years?" He sound more surprised than weirded out and I looked at him. "I uh.. Yeah, 2 years.. I didn't know how to talk to you so.. I just.. Drew you instead." I felt my eyes widen and my face turn darker as I realized how weird that actually sounded. "I'm sorry, that sounded really weird and I-" Mike cut me off with a peck to my lips. "No.. it's not weird.. I think it's actually cute." My face burst into flames. I didn't know what to say. Is there even a response to that?! 

      Mike laughed, it was a quiet one and then he kissed me again. After he pulled away I smiled up at him and said, "I am hopelessly in love with you Michael Wheeler." Then I leaned in to kiss him again. 

      Authors Note: I'm so sorry guys for not posting for so long! I just got on my Spring Break! I feel really bad for no posting a lot but I'm going to try to more this week. I hope you liked this imagine (this is the end of this specific imagine) and I'll try to post again soon. I hope you all have a good day/night! :)

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