A Cry For Help (Part 2)

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                                                                            ~ Mike's P.O.V ~

      I walked by Nancy's room and saw El looking through the window. "What are you looking at?" She looked back at me. "Nothing." I went to go look with her but she suddenly stepped back and shut the curtains behind her. "What did you-" I heard a car door shut and I ran out of the room and into mine. I looked through the window and saw my mom holding Holly and getting groceries out of the back of the van. "El we have to go!" I turned, seeing she had followed into my room. I grabbed her hand and rushing down the stairs, only to find my mom opening the door so I pushed El back up the stairs. "Ted? Is that you?" "No, just me mom!" I couldn't let her find El. "Mike? What are you doing home?!" "One second mom!" I opened my door and led El to my closet. "Hurry, you have to get in, or my mom, she'll see you. I won't tell her about you, I promise." "Promise?" It means something you can't break, ever." She got in and I assured her I'd be back.

                                                                              ~ Time Skip ~

      Right after I checked on El, Dustin and Lucas knocked on the door. Now we were heading up to my room. As soon as I closed my door behind us, they turned to see El on the bed, they looked at me wide eyed. "Are you out of your mind?" Lucas cried out. "Just listen to me." "You are out of your mind!" "She knows about Will!" Dustin cut in. "What do you mean she knows about Will?" "She pointed at him, at his picture. She knew he was missing. I could tell." "You could tell? Out of all things.." Lucas muttered as I continued on my rant. "Just think about it. Do you really think it was a coincidence that we found her on Mirkwood, the same place where Will disappeared." "That is weird." Dustin said, but he sounded in thought. "And she said bad people are after her. I think these.." I stopped. "Where's (y/n)?" "She wasn't at school today." "That's weird.. Should we check up on her?" Lucas rolled his eyes and muttered something. "Why don't we try the Supercomm?" Dustin said. "That's a great idea! It's in the basement, I'll go get it."

      I came back up the stairs, Supercomm in hand. You could use it in the basement but it didn't always work right. I opened the door and held it up. "I have it." We all crowded around the Supercomm while El sat on the bed, looking awkward and uncomfortable. I turned the knob to her usual channel and then pressed the button. "(y/n)? Do you copy?" We waited for a few moments. "(y/n)? Do you copy?" I let go of the button. "That's weird. Usually she answers." Dustin said, grabbing the Supercomm from me."Something doesn't feel right." I said. "We have to check on her." 

      Somehow, we snuck El back down to the basement, telling her that we would be back soon, before going to get our bikes. "We'll be back soon mom, just checking on (y/n)! She's home sick." I closed the door behind me before she could reply. I ran and hopped onto my bike, Lucas and Dustin quickly following my actions. 

      When we reached her house, I didn't even spend time parking my bike. I let it fall as I ran up the steps, quickly knocking on her door. As soon as I hit the door once, it moved and I noticed it was open. I heard Dustin and Lucas come up behind me and I opened the door.

      My heart began to beat faster as we all stepped in. "Oh my god." I heard Dustin say and I looked at him. He pointed into the middle of the front room and I followed where he was pointing. In the middle of the floor was the shattered pieces of one of (y/n)'s mom's vases. I stepped closer, trying to get a better look and found there was blood as well. "Holy shit.." Lucas said. "Something definitely went down." I turned around, running both hands through my hair, then I quickly noticed a small hole in the wall. "Guys.." I walked over to the door and pulled it open. The hole matched the knob and its lock exactly. "The vase, the wall. (y/n) wouldn't do those things just for the fun of it." Then the phone rang. I ran to the kitchen, quickly grabbing the phone off of the wall. "(y/n)? I'm just calling to check up on you. Is everything going okay?" I was quiet for a moment. "Well uh.. (y/m/n).. This isn't (y/n). She's- She's missing."

                                                                                      ~ Time Skip ~

      We all sat on the couch. (y/n)'s mom had hung up after what I said and 5 minutes later, the cops showed up. Now they were waiting for (y/n)'s mom to come before they started questioning us. The Chief stood to the side of us. He sighed as we saw a car pull up. "Why is it you 3 are always involved?"

      This time was different from when we were interviewed about Will. We were put into separate rooms and asked about not only (y/n)'s disappearance but about her herself. 

      "Can you tell me what you know of (y/n)'s disappearance?" "Well she was home all day, she wasn't at school." "Your friends say you weren't either." "No, I wasn't, I didn't feel good this morning." "Ah, I see.. What made you come here?" "Well, Dustin and Lucas came to my house after school and I noticed (y/n) wasn't with them. They told me she wasn't at school either and so we were gonna check up on her through our Supercomm's. Now, she never naps unless she is super sick which rarely happens, and she always answers, even when she is beyond pissed at you. So when I tried to talk to her, twice, and she didn't answer, I got worried. I had to make sure she was okay." "So you didn't assume she was just in some other room." "That wouldn't be a problem. She's always in her room, and when she isn't, her Supercomm is at the highest volume." "Okay.. Let's get to the part where you guys got to the house. What did you notice?" "Well, I knocked and almost right away I saw the door was left slightly open. When we went inside Dustin noticed the broken vase and as we got closer, we saw the blood." I swallowed. "Then I turned around and saw the hole in the wall. It matched up to the knob and its lock. I made sure." "Is that it?" "Well.. there is one more thing. After (y/n)'s mom called, Lucas noticed a mug on the counter. It was half full with, well now cold, hot chocolate. (y/n) drinks it to clear her mind, but she would never not finish it on purpose. Actually, none of these things are in her character unless something was seriously wrong." "Okay.." Hopper looked at me. "Look kid, I can tell the 5 of you are really close." "Yeah. We've been best friends for years." "How long have you known (y/n)?" "Since the beginning of 4th grade. She was getting bullied by a kid named Troy and I stood up for her." "How would you describe your relationship with her?" "I-" I stopped. How would I describe my relationship with (y/n)? "Well.. I- She's my best friend. One of the best I could ask for." Hopper nodded and looked down at his paper pad for a moment. I stared at the wall behind him as the rest of our time went through like a blur as one question kept echoing through my mind. How would I describe my relationship with (y/n)? 

      I sat at the dinner table, poking at the meatloaf on my plate. After my interview, the cops let us go back to my house. First it was Will and now (y/n).. Halfway through, I suddenly stood up. "I.. I'm gonna go up to my room." I grabbed my plate and went to the basement through the kitchen. I gave the plate to El and then went back upstairs and into my room. I didn't tell mom about what happened, but I doubted I had to. In a small town like Hawkins, it would be on the news.

      I don't remember it happening, but at some point I had fallen asleep. I got up, realizing it wasn't even morning.. but earlier this afternoon. How was that possible? "Mike!" It was (y/n) and her voice was echoing. I got out of bed and walked out of my room. I noticed Nancy's door was open and I looked in. There stood Eleven by the window. I watched her open the curtain. "Nancy!" (y/n)'s voice called again and I went over to the window with El. I saw (y/n) running, two men in white suits were right behind her. "Oh my god, (y/n)!" I ran out of the room and down the stairs. I almost fell going through and out of the basement, but when I reached her, it was too late. They had her in their arms and one told her something, putting a needle in her neck. I ran closer, trying to pull them off but I just went through them. "No! Let her go! Let her go!" "We got you.." I heard the guy whisper to her. "Mike.." She whispered, her voice coming out slowly. "We got you." Her eyes closed. "We got you." "No!" I tried to get him again, I tried to make him let her go but nothing would work. I looked up where El stood in the window, and watched as she just closed the curtains behind her.

      I shot up in my bed and both Dustin and Lucas jumped back. "Dude, are you okay?" I looked at them. "What?" "We came in here and you were crying out.. Your mom said we could spend the night if you want.. (y/n) just came on the news and she thought.. She thought it was best if we spent more time together since it has been really hard on us lately." "Yeah.. Okay." I nodded, still slightly shaken by my dream. "She called our moms about it and we can stay. They are gonna bring by all the things we need for tomorrow.." "Okay." "Look, what has gotten you so shaken up? It's like you aren't even fully here?" I looked at Lucas. "I had.. a really disturbing dream." "About..?" I sighed. "You won't believe me." They both continued to stare at me expectantly, then it all came pouring out. 

Mike Wheeler Your Local Girlfriend Stealer (Mike Wheeler Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now