Hurt (Part 2)

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                                                                                 ~ Wills P.O.V ~

      (y/n) had been with us for a week now, but since I had a lack of communication with the other guys, they didn't know about her yet. Today, both my mom and Jonathan had to work so she was going to have me and (y/n) go over to Mikes house. My mom had Jonathan driving me around more, so as soon as me and (y/n) were dressed, she had us out the door and into the car.

      It takes about 10 minutes to get to Mikes house, car or bike, so to pass time, I told (y/n) all about the guys. "My friend Dustin, he's the one with really curly hair and he usually wears a hat, he has this big comic book collection. Every holiday he gets a pile of at least 10 new comics! And Mike is the one with dark floppy hair and he's more on the pale side. He's really nice and caring and every time we play Dungeons and Dragons, it's at his house.. You'll find out what that is later. The last one is Lucas, when you first meet him, he can be a little harsh but once you get to know him better, he's a really great friend." She nodded but looked away. (y/n) was a little strange. She didn't talk much until she was comfortable, and she was only on that level with my mom and was barely breaking it with me. The rest of the ride was silent, even Jonathan didn't talk, which was a little weird but also normal. 

      As I said, it takes 10 minutes to get to Mikes house, so soon enough, we were there in the driveway, beside the Wheelers car. I got out and then turned to get (y/n) out. She was like a hurt animal that you were trying to take care of, but first you had to beckon it out of hiding. It didn't take long to get her out after promising her some chocolate which she had taken a liking to after she got out of the hospital. I grabbed her hand (in a brotherly way to a sister) and I led her to the door, knocking twice. I heard some footsteps and then the door opened. Nancy. "Hi Nancy." "Uh..hi?" She said, then look towards (y/n). "Who's that?" "This is (y/n). We're fostering her." "Ah.." She nodded her head, as if she found it interesting, but by her facial expression, I knew she didn't. She stepped back. "Well come on in." I walked in, tugging (y/n) along. I passed the kitchen and Karen, Mike's mom, waved to me. "Hey Will. They're- oh, who's this?" I looked to (y/n) seeing if she wanted to introduce herself, and when she didn't talk I said. "Her name is (y/n). My mom is fostering her for a bit." Karen smiled. "Well hello, (y/n), it's nice to meet you." She looked at me again. "The boys are in the basement. You can go on down if you'd like." "Okay, thank you." I told her and then I opened the basement door, walking in with (y/n) trailing behind me. 

                                                                            ~ (y/n)s P.O.V ~ 

      Will opened a door and the voices and shouts of other boys came to my ears. Will pulled me in through the door and down the stairs, closing the door behind us. I hid behind Will as we continued the descent down the stairs. Once we got to the bottom of the steps, I fully got behind Will. "Hey guys." "Hey Will!" A voice with a slight whisp at the end. (Yes, whisp, I don't know how to describe it, okay?) "Hi Will." Another voice said, more higher pitched but not by much. It was quiet for a moment and then I heard the first voice cry out, "Dammit Lucas!" and a laugh followed. I took a quick peek around Wills shoulder and saw three boys instead of the heard two. The one with curly hair, Dustin, like Will had told me. A darker skinned one, Lucas. Then the last one with dark hair and skin on the pale side. He caught most of my attention. Mike. They were playing video games by the looks of it, but I wasn't sure because Dustin threw his controller in anger as it ended and I went back to hiding behind Will. I heard the other two controllers being set down and that only meant the boys were getting up or diverting their attention to something else, most likely Will. "So, do you wanna play, Will? We have an extra controller if you want to." "Well, actually," He started out and I froze up, knowing what he was about to do, but I didn't speak or object, hoping he wasn't about to direct attention to me. "I wanted to introduce you guys to someone." "Who is it? Is it a girl?" "Really, Dustin? Will introducing us to a girl?!" Then a laugh. "That's hilarious." It was a third voice, neither one from before. "Well, where are they?" Said the higher voice (not like a girl, it's just higher than Dustins.) I felt Will shift as he moved out from in front of me and then all 3 boys were looking at me. "Guys, this is (y/n)." "No way!" Lucas called out and Dustin laughed at him then asked. "Is she your.. you know, girlfriend?" I stood frozen in my spot as Will answered with the classic answer that I've heard for now the third time. "No, we're fostering her for a while, so she's like my sister." Mike didn't say anything he just looked at me until Dustin and Lucas got quiet. Will let go of my hand after sitting me down on the couch. I was between Mike and Dustin. Dustin and Lucas talked and talked, trying to get me to respond, but after a 5 minutes of me not answering, they gave up and went to go get something from Dustins bag. Will followed because Dustin said he owed him a comic and was going to give it to him. 

      Now it was just me and Mike on the couch. It was quiet until I heard him clear his throat and I looked at him. "Hi..uh, I'm sure Will has told you but, I'm Mike, short for Michael." I stayed quiet for a moment and then he looked away. "Hi Mike.." He looked at me, shocked that I had spoken. "Dude! Did she just talk?" I heard Dustin yell from where he was and I started laughing some, and Mike joined in. When I was done laughing, I looked over at Mike, smiling, and I saw that he was looking at me too, with this big, cute smile on his face.

      Authors Note : Hi guys! I'm so so so so so sorry! I meant to post this on New Years Eve but I got so caught up and it was the same for yesterday! I hope you all had a great New Years and that you enjoyed this chapter. Hopefully I can write more soon... I'm going back to school on Thursday but I'm hoping I can still post regularly for you guys. I hope you all have a good day/night! :) 

P.S. Also! Credit to mikeewheelerr for the amazing title (that I think is the best)! I got it with permission and then a thanks to FandommTrashhh for the amazing cover for this book! They're both amazing people and you should check out their accounts when you get the chance if you haven't already! Thank you for you time! 

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